Paul has been a research nurse for 15 months. At first, the new post was overwhelming and it took about a year for him to feel more confident. The opportunity for patient contact and support is a key aspect of his job that Paul enjoys.
Paul came to research nursing 15 months ago, following 14 years in a clinical post. Nursing was a career that Paul pursued through taking an Access course and going to university. When he graduated, Paul worked as a general surgical nurse, specialising in urology, and head and neck cancers. Although he had no background in research, a research nursing opportunity came up in Paul’s department and he got the job. Paul felt confident about the transition from clinical practice to research, as he had worked in the same area before. However, he was surprised by how difficult this was in reality and how different research and clinical nursing were. Paul described the first 6 months of his job as overwhelmin. Navigating paperwork, protocols, medical concepts and language was challenging in the beginning. Paul found undertaking basic training in oncology as well courses on understanding protocol and giving consent to be really helpful. The support of his colleagues was also important to Paul as he started his post, and this strong support structure remains central in managing workloads. Paul learnt to accept the adaption process that comes with moving careers: it was a little bit scary. But yeah, you have to not be hard on yoursel. After about a year, Paul started to feel more secure in what I kno.
Paul started research on a one year fixed contract. Whilst this concerned him, he also saw it as a get out claus if he decided not to pursue this career. Since then, Paul has been given a permanent contract. He currently works on 11 trials, with a range of responsibilities such as patient recruitment and ensuring patients understand the trial before giving consent. Paul was surprised by the amount of admin and desk work involved in research nursing. Paul deals with a lot of paperwork when organising and recruiting for trials, but hopes the shift towards electronic filing will make things a lot easie. Paul is also beginning to take on more responsibility supporting and mentoring student nurses. Since going into research, Paul feels he has lost some of his clinical skills. One way he maintains these is by doing things like taking patients; translational bloods himself when working on a trial.
One aspect Paul enjoys about research nursing is the opportunity to interact with patients. If a patient is in need of support, he is able to block off time to spend with them, which enables strong relationships to develop. He draws on skills he developed in his clinical background, for example: the patient sensitive skills are always there, and you never ever lose them, and they are invaluable when you;re delivering bad news or whether you;re supporting somebod. Paul has found his job particularly rewarding when he has been able to follow a project from the research through to the results stage, and seen how the results have been used to inform care pathways. Paul acknowledges that working with people with cancer means there is a lot of sadness and death in his job. What drives Paul is helping people; whilst curing patients is not always possible, it’s about making the life that they;ve got the best it can b.
As Paul works on multiple trials, balancing the workload can be challenging. Particularly, remembering the inclusion and exclusion criteria for different trials can be difficult, but Paul manages large amounts of information by using key words when recruiting. Another consideration Paul is aware of when recruiting for trials is the emotional state of patients, as many have just received news on a cancer diagnosis. Approaching patients is a judgement cal, and Paul often seeks advice from colleagues around handling this: it’s something that you learn through time, when you;re working with people is, when it is appropriate and when it’s not appropriate, regardless of what the protocol say.
Whilst Paul feels strong management is a positive thing, he is not looking to progress to a managerial role himself. However, he hopes to develop his career in research, whether in a private company or within the NHS: I want to know more. I want to be able to do bigger studie. His key messages to others relatively new in a research nurse post are to remember that this is a period of transition and to give yourself tim to adjust.