
Emma was pregnant with her second son when she became worried that he was not moving. She had an emergency caesarean at 33 weeks. He was diagnosed with oesophageal atresia with trachea-oesophageal fistula (OA with TOF)* and needed immediate surgery.

Emma was expecting her second son. Scans did not pick up anything untoward. But at 26 weeks she had reduced movements. She saw a midwife, who didn’t scan her or put a monitor on, and said everything was fine. But Emma felt that things were not right. One evening shortly afterwards, when she was 33 weeks pregnant she got very worried that she had not felt any movements, so went to the hospital. She was scanned and given an emergency caesarean. Her son weighed just 2lb 12oz and was diagnosed with oesophageal atresia (OA) with tracheooesophageal fistula (TOF)* He was sent for immediate surgery at the nearby children’s hospital. His oesphagus did not go into his stomach so needed be corrected immediately. Tests also showed that he had a heart condition called TOF.

The operation was a success but he was very poorly and took several weeks to start to put on weight and wean off the breathing machine. He was eventually discharged at the age of 7 weeks and came home. But life at home was tough he picked up lots of infections, and his heart condition started to affect him seriously. He was in and out of hospital and had frequent spells when his oxygen levels would drop to dangerous levels. So he went back into hospital for open heart surgery when he was 6 months old. The operation was a success, but again he took a long time to recover. He was in hospital for a further 8 ¬Ω weeks. Although he still needs lots of daily care and follow-up appointments with various specialists, he is now progressing well. He started walking aged 17 months. However, his heart condition was not resolved at the time of the interview, Emma was waiting for a meeting with the surgeon to discuss a further heart surgery.

*Oesophageal Atresia (OA) with Trachea-Oesophageal Fistula (TOF)
OA is a rare condition where the oesophagus (gullet/foodpipe) is not connected to the stomach and is blocked. This can be associated with TOF, where the oesophagus (gullet/foodpipe) is joined to the trachea (windpipe).

Emma has had to go back to work full time, in part to cover the debts run up while her son was in hospital.

Age at interview 30

Age at diagnosis 28

Emma initially found one of her son’s NICU nurses a bit frosty, but after a couple of days she explained she’sd been focused on getting to know the baby. Emma would trust her to the ends of the earth.

Age at interview 30

Age at diagnosis 28

Emma’s son was born with OA with TOF and other complications. She said she really needed to find people in similar situations to help her through the dark places.

Age at interview 30

Age at diagnosis 28

Emma said that while she took a while to settle into things, and come to terms with things in her own time, it gets a lot easier.

Age at interview 30

Age at diagnosis 28

Emma said that suddenly having to deal with all the medications at home was very difficult. No one gave her a plan for how to manage it all.

Age at interview 30

Age at diagnosis 28

Emma wanted to try and keep her older son in his routine, as he was very unsettled by her being away from home.

Age at interview 30

Age at diagnosis 28

Emma’s baby was born at 33 weeks and she didn’st see him for 6 hours as doctors stabilised him. She was then told he needed immediate surgery.

Age at interview 30

Age at diagnosis 28