
Sarah met her first serious boyfriend when she was 18. Their relationship lasted two years, during which they lived separately, each at their parents homes. Her boyfriend was jealous and possessive, did not like her seeing friends and ‘questioned her in detail about other men’ if she went out. She mistook this as a sign of his love, only realising years later that it was the beginning of his controlling, abusive behaviour.

Sarah describes herself as young and inexperienced’ when she met her boyfriend who was 21 and initially she found the intensity of their relationship romantic’. Only in retrospect can she see that his sulking and irritability if she went out with friends, his constant questioning on her return was unhealthy’. This progressed to his using tactics to isolate her and make sure that he was her entire world’. For example, he frequently put her down and humiliated her in public so that going out was no longer pleasurable for Sarah. He told her she was ugly and had unpleasant body odour.

Worst of all, he manipulated things she said so that she began to feel she was going crazy. He made her feel that if anything went wrong, it was her fault. They spent so much time together that Sarah lost sight of any other perspective than his, and she now describes him as darkly clever’. She was unhappy but, having no previous relationships to compare with, did not realise the source of her unhappiness. She changed from a confident out-going person to a complete shell’ of herself.

Her boyfriend’s behaviour escalated into physical and sexual violence and harassment. He would shove her or poke her in an aggressive but almost playful’ way and coerce her to have sex when she did not want to. She lost a job as a result of his harassment over the telephone that affected her performance at work.

Sarah did not confide in anyone about her relationship difficulties. Her family thought her boyfriend was lovely as he appeared charming’. Sarah’s knowledge of domestic abuse was confined to the idea of women being physically battered. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, had witnessed domestic abuse between his parents and subsequently his step-parents.
The turning point’ came for Sarah when she attended a residential training course for her job, the first time she and her boyfriend had been apart. She describes a light bulb’ moment when she realised how much happier she was, away from him, meeting new people. She left him two weeks after returning home, with the support of a friend in whom she confided. Sarah had previously never thought of ending the relationship.

Sarah’s struggles with the ongoing impacts of the abuse, such as a fear of showing her vulnerability, have been helped by her patient and understanding husband. She feels that there needs to be more education about domestic abuse to counteract the stereotypes, for example the police and health professionals need be better trained to pick up subtle signs of abuse. It took Sarah six years before she recognised that she had experienced abuse and she would have liked some external help. She now does volunteer work for a Domestic Violence and Abuse Agency.

Sarah described the turning point’s of realising how much better she felt away from her partner. She had stayed with him through lack of experience of relationships.

Age at interview 32

Gender Female

Sarah said she would have opened up if others had noticed signs like her constantly receiving phone calls from her partner all day long.

Age at interview 32

Gender Female

Sarah explained that the impacts of abuse stay with you, and that she still sometimes suffers with depression despite being in a new, good relationship.

Age at interview 32

Gender Female

Sarah feels that professionals in health and police services need more training to look a bit deeper at what is actually going on’s.

Age at interview 32

Gender Female

Sarah’s partner was darkly’s clever in manipulating her so that she never went out with friends.

Age at interview 32

Gender Female

Sarah described her light bulb’s moment when she realised she had suffered abuse, years after the relationship had ended, triggered by an article she was reading.

Age at interview 32

Gender Female

Sarah explained the way her partner would control her and would try to stop her seeing her friends because he was jealous. Over time, this had an effect on her confidence.

Age at interview 32

Gender Female

Sarah’s partner threatened to have sex with somebody else if she refused to have sex with him.

Age at interview 32

Gender Female