
Carys daughter was given ECT when she was 19 sometime after she had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Carys felt that ECT did her no good but has seen it help other people. She is still struggling to get good support for her daughter 21 years later.

One night when her daughter was 19, Caryss daughter came into the bedroom saying that there were snakes in her room. Eventually after a series of events a psychiatrist became involved and she ended up being admitted to hospital under a section of the Mental Health Act. During her first admission to hospital her daughter refused to have anything to do with Carys, something that she now understands happens frequently.

Carys has lost count of the amount of times that her daughter was sectioned and gave up her job to look after her daughter. Carys thinks that a couple of years after she was ill, she had ECT. She was not consulted but was just told by her daughter I don’t know what they’ve done but I think I’ve had some sort of electric shock’ so Carys assumed that she had had an accident. She talked to the nurse in charge and was told that she had had ECT treatment but she didn’t know what this was. Her daughter had a series of ECT treatments and Carys saw no improvement and no difference in her well-being. Her daughter loathed it with a passion’, was very frightened and had headaches – which she was then treated for. On the 13th session the equipment broke down so they took her to another hospital and gave her her final treatment. Carys had gone to the hospital to be with her, without realising she had left. By this time Carys was angry, and felt that ECT was like another way of hurting her’. She was told it would help but didn’t ever know what it was supposed to achieve. Carys threatened the hospital with a court order but found they were stopping ECT in any case. She says her daughter has an exceptional memory’ and that she talks about having her brain fried’. Carys says that she says things like No wonder I’m still ill, they’ve fried my brain’.

Her daughter has been on many different medications over the years and Carys felt that it was only on Clozapine that there was any improvement. Her daughter spent years going in and out of prison, secure units and inpatient units. She spent a year in a London hospital where Carys says they got her reasonably stable’. She spent another year in a local psychiatric hospital and then a residential unit that Carys thought was only like a posh prison’. In the end her daughter was moved 15 times in 10 years.

Carys felt that family members and carers have no choice in the care of the person they care for. She felt the only time services were interested in her was when they wanted her daughter to come home. However now she thinks that some of the old ways have changed. Looking towards the future she doesn’t know where to go from here because of the lack of support for the right type of accommodation. She wants support for supported accommodation.

Carys can’t begin to express the depth of her anger. She would like somebody to be answerable and nobody ever will.

Carys’s daughter had compulsory ECT at the age of 19, however, she was simply told the doctor had made the decision. She was not given any information about what was happening and it was not discussed with her.

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As a carer Carys said you know the person you care for better than anyone so don’t be afraid to create a fuss if needed. Everybody’s illness follows a different pattern and there is a lot of support out there.

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Carys thinks the situation in inpatient hospitals has improved in recent years, but that the wards where her daughter had stayed years ago were awful. Her daughter ran away from these institutions several times.

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Carys said her daughter was taking many pills a day when a new psychiatrist said to bin them and start again. It made a dramatic change and she started being active.

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After Carys’s daughter was diagnosed with schizophrenia twenty years ago she was sectioned several times. On one occasion several police cars came to collect her.

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Carys felt desperate and phoned the Samaritans when she didn’t have any support with looking after her daughter.

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In the early years Carys felt side-lined by services as a carer. She felt frustrated about some of the ways in which users of mental health services had been treated but felt that things were improving.

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When Carys’s 19 year old daughter said there were snakes in her room she thought shed had a nightmare. But her college then reported her stalking her tutor. Shortly after that she was sectioned.

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