Interview 03

There is a 30–40% chance that an identical twin will develop type 1 diabetes. Both brothers were diagnosed within 3 months of each other in 1996. The first to be diagnosed did experience symptoms but the other twin found out he had type 1 diabetes following urine and blood tests. Their great-grandmother had type 1 diabetes. Insulin regime: rapid-acting analogue (Humalog) using prefilled pen 3 times a day and long-acting analogue (Lantus) in the evening. Now they are attending the young persons diabetes clinic and are seen by the consultant on a one-one basis rather than together as they were when children. Both brothers appreciate their individual consultations.

Their mother still worries but they have been encouraged by the whole family to pursued their goals.

Age at interview 18

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 9

They like the young adult clinic because they get individual consultations and the clinic seems…

Age at interview 18

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 9

They say that sometimes finger pricking hurts, that taking care of your fingers is very important…

Age at interview 18

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 9

They talk about those situations in which they might not inject and end up with high blood…

Age at interview 18

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 9

They’ve been told to drink a lot of water when they go out, to keep checking their levels and to…

Age at interview 18

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 9

They got good advice from their consultant about adjusting their insulin just before they left…

Age at interview 18

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 9

His twin brother was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes three months earlier so doctors tested him…

Age at interview 18

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 9