Eileen – Interview 02
After a year of irregular periods, Eileen reached the menopause at the age of 56. Asthma, an underactive thyroid and a divorce in midlife have influenced her menopause experience. Apart from mild hot flushes in the past year she has had few symptoms.
For Eileen the menopause started four years ago with a missed period. Periods were irregular for a year before stopping. Eileen was surprised not to have many of the symptoms associated with the menopause. She believes that this has been payback; for the long heavy periods and pain which she suffered monthly from the age of thirteen.
Eileen experienced a series of health problems in her forties, including an underactive thyroid and adult onset asthma for which she is on long-term medication. Alongside this, she has been through a difficult personal time as a result of her divorce. She wonders whether these factors may have somehow masked menopausal symptoms. She notices, for example, that her moods have improved since the menopause but acknowledges that this may be because she has begun to re-establish her life after the divorce.
Eileen describes her menopausal symptoms as minimal. Indeed, it is only in the past year that she has had what she describes as mini hot flushes; although these have not caused problems. She finds it annoying, however, to have to get up to go to the toilet a couple of times during the night as this disturbs her sleep. Given her lack of symptoms, her general dislike of taking medication, and a family history of breast cancer, Eileen has not considered taking HRT.
Eileen has experienced weight gain and a thickening waistline in recent years which she concedes may in part be due to her medication, in particular the steroids she took for her asthma. She regrets the loss of her female figure; and the gradual fading of her hair from black to grey. She has also noticed a significant increase in breast size since her late forties which she finds uncomfortable. These body issues concern her, particularly in terms of buying new clothes and dating again.
While Eileen feels that the menopause marks the coming to an end of a big part of her life, she is liberated by the loss of periods and the knowledge that she can no longer fall pregnant. She wonders, however, how long the menopause might last, given that although she is postmenopausal in terms of her periods ceasing, she is now experiencing mild hot flushes.
Eileen was interviewed for Healthtalkonline in December 2008.