
Deidre’s daughter caught Covid in November 2021. She lost her sense of taste and smell throughout her Covid infection and found eating difficult – her sense of taste and smell has still not returned four months on, and she has lost a lot of weight and finds eating difficult. Deidre was interviewed in April 2022.

Deidre’s daughter (aged 8 at the time) caught Covid from school in November 2021. Deidre and her youngest daughter aged five also caught it, but her husband was not affected. Her 8-year-old daughter was very poorly and was bed-ridden for six days. She was still testing positive after 10 days of isolation and didn’t return to school for further 6 days. Deidre’s daughter lost her sense of taste and smell throughout her Covid infection and found eating difficult – her sense of taste and smell has still not returned four months on, and she has lost a lot of weight.

Her husband tested positive on Christmas Eve 2021 and although they all tested negative her daughter had cold like symptoms and her Long Covid symptoms got worse with headaches, sinusitis and tummy aches. Blood tests showed she was recovering from two viral infections, so they believe she did catch Covid again but just didn’t test positive. Her daughter has been on drops and antibiotics for her sinusitis and Calpol for her headaches and has now been referred to a paediatric Long Covid clinic by a hospital consultant. Her GP didn’t believe children could get Long Covid and her daughter underwent many tests to rule out other causes before the GP admitted “I think you’re right. I think she’s got Long Covid.’ Deidre had been doing her own research on the internet and through Facebook groups.

Deidre is most concerned about her daughter’s weight loss and would welcome some medical help and advice, but the doctors seem more concerned with her daughter’s headaches and sinusitis. Her daughter’s headaches have started to become less frequent. Deidre’s daughter’s diet currently consists of bland dry food like crackers as “things taste so yucky” with a metallic taste that makes her nauseous and not want to eat. She is not the energetic child she used to be as she is so tired “something as simple as going bowling for an afternoon wipes her out” and she finds school a struggle.

At the time of the interview, Deidre had booked her daughter in to be vaccinated on the advice of the doctors. However, she has since decided not to have her daughter vaccinated.

Deirdre felt that the GP had initially ‘pooh-poohed’ the suggestion that her child might have Long Covid but accepted it after doing lots of ‘scary’ tests.

Deidre says her two daughters look out for their sister more now, which is nice.

Deidre’s friends and family have been an enormous help, including taking her other children for days out.

Deidre thinks there should be more mental health support for young people and their parents.

Deidre’s daughter was unable to commit to plans in advance.

For Deidre’s daughter most food tasted ‘metallic’ and ‘like vomit’. She only wanted to eat plain foods.

Deidre noticed that her daughter’s headaches were becoming less frequent, though she was still affected by stomach ache.