Debbie's elder daughter started self-harming when she was about 9 years old. She developed an eating disorder and has been an inpatient, but is now improving with dialectical behaviour therapy. Debbie is positive about the future.
Debbie's elder daughter started self-harming when she was about 9 years old. She developed an eating disorder and has been an inpatient, but is now improving with dialectical behaviour therapy. Debbie is positive about the future.
Jane's younger daughter started cutting herself when she was 14. She was referred to CAMHS after taking an overdose. Jane did not find this helpful, but is positive about contact with Harmless, a self-harm support organisation.
Dot was devastated when her, apparently happy, 15 year old daughter told her that she was cutting herself. Dot thinks that her daughter was helped by counselling. She herself was helped by getting information about self-harm from experts that she worked with at the time.