
Interview 54

After initial contact with NHS, had most antenatal care in France. Baby born 2 months early in England. Good experiences of hospital birth and Special Care Baby Unit. More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalkonline antenatal screening site as Interview 23.

Interview 55

Persuaded to have induction in first pregnancy; felt unsupported by staff. Labour was long and painful. Second birth, refused induction, insisted on additional checks instead. A better experience, with a doula (birthing attendant). More of this interview can be seen on the DIPEX antenatal screening site as Interview 02.

Interview 56

Two normal pregnancies. Felt well supported by midwives in making birthing choices. First birth was a water birth in hospital; hopes to have the same for second birth. More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalkonline antenatal screening site as Interview 25.