
Angela – Interview 23

Angela was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease after taking part in a trial on nerve conduction. She has since been in a randomised trial of different drugs for Parkinson's and would happily take part in another trial, despite having had side effects.(Angela is also on our Parkinson's disease site, Interview 10).

Sarah – Interview 38

Sarah volunteered for a placebo-controlled trial of a drug intended to help women at risk of osteoporosis. It involved daily injections and eventually she dropped out of the trial. (You can see Sarah talking more about her experiences on the healthtalkonline site osteoporosis, Interview 27).

Interview 56 – Pregnancy

Two normal pregnancies. Felt well supported by midwives in making birthing choices. First birth was a water birth in hospital; hopes to have the same for second birth. More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalkonline antenatal screening site as Interview 25.