
Interview 56 – Pregnancy

Two normal pregnancies. Felt well supported by midwives in making birthing choices. First birth was a water birth in hospital; hopes to have the same for second birth. More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalkonline antenatal screening site as Interview 25.

Marie – Interview 44

Marie was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia after pains in her bones and groin. After two years of watch and wait she had several courses of oral chemotherapy with remissions in between. She is currently well but expects further treatment. Marie was also interviewed for the clinical trials section of this site.


Sue had aches and pains in her shoulder for eighteen months and at first, she went for private physiotherapy to help her cope with it. Physiotherapy only helped her regain partial movement so she went to see her GP, who referred her to a specialist. The consultant recommended a steroid injection, but when that failed to work, she was told that surgery was her best option. Sue used the Technology Enhanced Patient Information (TEPI) website several times before her surgery. The information she found on the site made her feel well prepared and relaxed about her upcoming surgery. Her surgery went well and she has regained full movement of her shoulder. She is back at work.