
Interview 65

Third pregnancy, after two miscarriages. Baby diagnosed antenatally with heart problems. Baby born by emergency caesarean after a long and painful labour. More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalkonline antenatal screening site as Interview 07.

Interview 72

Placenta praevia diagnosed in most recent pregnancy. Spent several weeks in hospital before the birth (baby born 2002). More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalkonline antenatal screening site as Interview 39.

Hazel – Interview 05

Hazel learnt she had breast cancer (DCIS) after screening in 1991. After surgery she was asked to be in a trial comparing no further treatment with radiotherapy, tamoxifen, or radiotherapy and tamoxifen combined. She declined to take part. (You can see Hazel talking more about her experiences on the Healthtalkonline site on Breast cancer screening, Interview 17 & DCIS, Interview 26).