

Shane was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. He was prescribed a high dose of antidepressant medication and overdosed (self-harmed) one night. He is no longer on medication and has weekly informal counselling with a GP he likes. He also takes part in events organised by a local charity.


Siobhan went to see the GP because of problems with eating, low mood and self-harm, but found it hard to talk about her feelings to someone she hardly knew. She advised GPs not to just give young people leaflets and put them on tablets if they had depression but to offer other options too. She was having online CBT as well as taking medication, and had started feeling better.


Mohammad had a heart attack in his mid-50s and was found to be diabetic at the same time. He had a stent put in his heart, which later collapsed. He is on a minimum dose of metformin, which means his diabetes is mainly self-managed. He is very satisfied with the care he has received.