

Kate experienced financial, physical, verbal, sexual and emotional-psychological abuse during her eight year relationship, which ended two years ago. She is now suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, is engaged in on-going child contact issues and is yet to feel free from the abusive relationship.


Jacqui's husband subjected her to physical, verbal, emotional and financial abuse. His escalating violence motivated her to disclose to her GP about the cause of her serious injuries. They referred her to a local Domestic Violence and Abuse Agency and with the help of a support worker she started to make the preparations needed to leave the relationship.


Philippa experienced controlling behaviour and physical, emotional and verbal abuse during her 13 year relationship. She left her husband for the final time in 2005 after he threatened to restrict her access to their children. For nine months she and her daughters stayed in a refuge, where she received counselling and support, and was able to feel safe again.