
Sue and Ian

Sue suffered sexual abuse as a child and has had a history of mental health problems. Five years ago she was given ECT, aged 45. Sue and Ian felt they weren't given enough information about the treatment and that more research should be done about the emotional impact of ECT.


(Text only clips) Will developed acne at age 13. He tried creams and antibiotics before being referred to a dermatologist. He took a 6 month course of Roaccutane (isotretinoin) which had some physical and emotional side effects such as chapped lips and low mood.


(Audio or text only clips) Arti developed alopecia areata 10 months ago. She had a small initial patch which turned into more rapid hair loss. Alopecia has had a huge emotional and social impact on Arti, though she is coping better now since using hair pieces and wigs.