Kevin & Miggy
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Sonia's mother had a devastating stroke in 2005 (when she was in her 60's) - she appeared initially to make some recovery but a few days later had major swelling of the brain. Clinicians rang her family telling them her life was in danger and a decision was made to do a craniotomy. An early bout of pneumonia was aggressively treated, but when pneumonia developed again the decision was made to keep Sonia's mother comfortable but not treat with antibiotics and her mother died in 2007.
Sonia is 45.
Cathy's 16 year old brother, Matty, was severely brain injured when he was hit by a car. Emergency interventions and surgery meant Matty survived, but he was left in a permanent vegetative state. He was eventually allowed to die eight years later after artificial nutrition and hydration was withdrawn.
Married, mother of one son, works in the Book industry.
In 2011, at the age of 66, Angela's husband, a talented musician, had a cardiac arrest while in the recovery room after an operation. He was resuscitated. At first, the medical team were reassuring, but it turned out that he had suffered catastrophic hypoxic (oxygen deprivation) brain injury and he has remained in a minimally conscious state ever since. Has become progressively less responsive over time.
Angela works as a receptionist, and her husband was the night duty officer, for the same funeral parlour. They were also musicians together, and had been in a relationship for...
Professor Derick Wade of the Oxford Centre for Enablement explains the meaning of the words such as coma, vegetative state and locked-in syndrome and answers questions such as 'how can you be sure that someone is not conscious?' and if they can feel pain. He also describes processes for best interests decision-making.
Professor Derick Wade of the Oxford Centre for Enablement
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