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Interview 24- Screening for beta thalassaemia

Both parents are beta thalassaemia carriers. Had CVS in first pregnancy. Baby diagnosed with beta thalassaemia major and they continued the pregnancy. In three pregnancies since they chose not to have antenatal diagnosis and none of the children is affected. Some audio clips in Mirpuri. Sister-law also interviewed in English.

  • Background

    Married housewife with four children aged 6, 5, 3 and 9 months. Ethnic background/nationality: Pakistani.

  • Age at interview 32
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 15- Screening for beta thalassaemia

    Father knew he was a beta thalassaemia carrier. Mother discovered in pregnancy she was also a carrier. Couple had CVS and were told the baby had beta thalassaemia major. Since birth the baby has been well and has not needed transfusions as expected.

  • Background

    Married couple, with on child aged 14 months. Mother aged 36, father 35. Both are solicitors. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 36
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 35- Antenatal Screening

    Combined nuchal scan/blood test suggested high risk; early results ruled out trisomies but subsequently diagnosed a severe form of Turner's syndrome. Couple decided to end the pregnancy; now pregnant again.

  • Background

    Children’ First pregnancy ended at 17 weeks, Occupation’ Mother – opera singer, Father (age 42 at interview)- chartered surveyor, Marital status Married.

  • Age at interview 34
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 06- Antenatal Screening

    Third pregnancy, after two miscarriages. Nuchal scan suggested problems; CVS ruled out Down's syndrome but heart problems identified by further scan. Baby born March 2003, successful surgery completed.

  • Background

    Children’ First baby, 11 months old, Occupation’ Mother – Home carer (formerly HR consultant), Father – HR Manager, Marital status Married.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 09 - Making decisions about birth after caesarean

    Pregnant with twins, had CS when she did not dilate beyond 9cm. Felt happy with her care and recovered well but disliked need for support after the operation. Keen to have vaginal birth with 2nd child. Went two weeks overdue, then delivered very quickly after being induced.

  • Background

    Dentist with twins aged four and a half. Husband is also a dentist. Ethnic background’ White British (Northern Irish).

  • Age at interview 33
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Caron - Parents of children on the Autism Spectrum

    Caron's son, Leo, was diagnosed with autism when he was three. He attends a mainstream primary school but Caron worries that he is not receiving appropriate support.

  • Background

    Caron, a full time carer, and her husband have two sons; Leo aged five and Peter aged 2. Ethnic background/nationality: Mixed race.

  • Age at interview 24
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Oliver - Depression and low mood

    Oliver is 23 and a fulltime postgraduate student at university. He was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) at 8 and later on, just previous to the interview, with early onset bipolar disorder. Originally from the United States, Oliver has mainly been dealing with consultants back home and has had difficulties getting to see a specialist over in the UK. Oliver says he wants to find ways to get better; 'I want to find the right solution, not just the easy one'.

  • Background

    See ‘Brief outline’

  • Age at interview 23
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • B - Depression and low mood

    B is 19 and in college. When she was younger she experienced abuse and she also lost several close family members at a young age. B had a difficult journey to deal with the problems, she was hospitalised several times and she attempted suicide a few times. B says her life turned when she made a decision to want to accept the help and do something with her life. She's now looking forward to future and expecting a baby. (Zambia).

  • Background

    See ‘Brief outline’

  • Age at interview 19
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 07- Carers of people with dementia

    Gradual onset mistaken for depression. Diagnosis given jointly to husband and wife. Slow progression. Problem with restlessness and wandering. Very involved with the local Alzheimers disease society. He tries to involve her in decisions where possible. Initially prescribed antidepressants later given trial of Reminyl. Later benefited from sedatives and sleeping tablets.

  • Background

    Carer is a devoted husband who has so far managed to care for his wife at home with respite care every 8 weeks. They have two children. She was diagnosed...

  • Sex/Gender Male