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Anne - Interview 17

For Anne the menopause marks a new stage in her life. While hot flushes had a significant impact on her sleep, she believes that positive thinking, diet, exercise and over-counter products have helped her successfully manage the menopause transition.

  • Background

    Anne is a part-time company secretary. She is married with three adult children. She started the menopause at age 55 and had her last period at 57. Ethnic background/nationality: White...

  • Age at interview 58
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sallie - Interview 18

    Despite hot flushes, night sweats, poor memory and mood swings, Sallie did not let the menopause bother her. She believes there is too much doom and gloom associated with the menopause and welcomes the change as a time of greater independence and freedom.

  • Background

    Sallie is a support worker. She is divorced with six adult children. She started the menopause at age 48 and had her last period at 51. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 56
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sandra - Interview 19

    Although Sandra's periods have been regular, she has experienced hot flushes during the day and uncomfortable night sweats. Rather than take HRT, she has pursued alternative approaches, including acupuncture and herbal remedies, with mixed results.

  • Background

    Sandra is a bookkeeper. She is widowed with an adult daughter. She started the menopause at age 45. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 47
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Marcia - Interview 20

    Despite night sweats, weight gain and poor memory, Marcia has not found the menopause too problematic, managing her symptoms without HRT or alternative remedies. She believes lack of information leaves women feeling unsupported during the menopause.

  • Background

    Marcia is the CEO of a charity. She is divorced with two adult children. She started the menopause at age 45. Ethnic background/nationality: Afro-Caribbean.

  • Age at interview 46
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Joyce - Interview 21

    Loss of memory, inability to concentrate and anxiety had a detrimental impact on Joyce's quality of life and ability to function at work. HRT has made a significant difference. She is determined to set up support networks to help women in the workplace.

  • Background

    Joyce is a police officer. She is divorced with two teenage sons. She started the menopause at age 45. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 48
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Louise - Interview 22

    Louise experienced a premature menopause following an operation to remove ovarian cysts. Mood swings, persistent hot flushes and sweats, and loss of fertility impacted significantly on Louise's well-being. She has now been on HRT for over four years.

  • Background

    Louise is a postgraduate student. She is single with no children. She had a premature menopause at age 31 following removal of ovarian cysts. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 36
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jill - Interview 23

    Like her mother, Jill started the menopause early. A Mirena coil, fitted to regulate heavy and painful periods, has had limited success. Mood swings, hot and cold sweats, thrush, cystitis, and loss of libido have also affected Jill's well-being.

  • Background

    Jill is a public enquiry officer. She is married with two teenage sons. She started the menopause at age 40. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 47
  • Sex/Gender Female