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Interview 44

She was 86 when she started to have symptoms of dementia. Her doctor mistook it for old age. Prescribed Aricept but husband felt it had been left too late. Cared for at home helped by live-in couple. Attended day centre.

  • Background

    Carer is husband who himself suffers from throat cancer. Carer is retired. His wife had been a film producer.

  • Age at interview 86
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 42

    Her husband became ill in his fifties. He suspected his own diagnosis but was told it was depression. He lived alone and attended day hospital for a year, then entered into sheltered accommodation. Finally he had to be sectioned and was in psychiatric hospital. He was transferred to EMI home, still on Section 3, and died 18 months later.

  • Background

    Wife and mother of three, who separated from her husband during his illness but continued to care for him. She had been a relationship and loss counsellor. Her husband was...

  • Age at interview 63
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 40

    Gradual onset. Cared for at home for several years with support from daughter and local authority carers. Attended day centre. Sometimes husband would stay too. Died rapidly after moving to a nursing home from hospital following a fall at home.

  • Background

    An elderly clergyman caring for his wife who was interviewed with his daughter who lived close by. There are two other children. Diagnosed in 1996/7.

  • Age at interview 80
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 52

    His father's deterioration was gradual over 14 years. Day care was gradually increased. He was hospitalised when he became ill and then went into residential care, where he was happy. The situation was difficult for his mother, as she and his father had been married 74 years. She is now also in residential care.

  • Background

    Married son caring for both his parents, who lived close by when his elderly father developed Alzheimers.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 46

    When brain scan was found to be normal, his wife was admitted for a week's assessment, and was diagnosed as having Pick's disease (fronto-temporal dementia). He cared for her at home, with day care and regular residential respite, and finally she was admitted into residential care.

  • Background

    Husband caring for his wife of 54 years. They have one son. He is retired, and his wife had been a seaside landlady and a housewife.

  • Age at interview 75
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 45

    Symptoms began just before moving from long term family home to smaller house. Initially cared for at home with carers coming to the house, attended day centre with weeks in residential respite. Complaints from neighbours. Now in residential care.

  • Background

    Elderly husband caring for his wife. They have one child. She was diagnosed in 2000. She is a retired industrial nurse.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 39

    Dismissed unexpectedly from the Army where he worked on chemical defence. Unable to get a new job. Diagnosis took about 3 years. Wife worked 1 day a week, and cared for him and children. Difficult finding appropriate care. Died while in residential care.

  • Background

    Wife with two young children caring for her husband who developed frontal lobe dementia while in his forties. He was diagnosed in 1994. He used to be an ammunition specialist...

  • Age at interview 52
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 36

    He looked after his wife at home for several years. Medication upset her, causing her to see colours when she closed her eyes. When things got too difficult she was moved into residential care. He visits her everyday.

  • Background

    Elderly husband who cared for his wife at home for many years. She is  now in a nursing home. They have two sons. His wife used to work for British...

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 33

    His wife developed multi-infarct dementia. He cared for her at home for about 6 years. When she went into residential care it took a long time for her to settle, and she died in the nursing home.

  • Background

    Carer is a husband who cared for his wife first at home, and then later in residential care where she died. They have three children. He is a retired civil...

  • Age at interview 78
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview EP33

    Diagnosed with epilepsy in 2001. Has tried various drug treatments though seizures have not been controlled. Current medication' levetiracetam (Keppra) and clobazam (Frisium).

  • Background

    Not employed at time of interview; married 2 children.

  • Age at interview 27
  • Sex/Gender Female