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Interview 18

She had a stroke aged 59 which caused right weakness, pain, vision & memory loss. Medication' perindopril, amlodipine (blood pressure) pravastatin, Ezetimibe (cholesterol), aspirin and dipyridamole (antiplatelet), escitalopram (depression), carbamazepine (pain).

  • Background

    Is a married mother of 6 adult children and a retired neuropsychology assistant. Ethnic background/nationality: White/English.

  • Age at interview 64
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 17

    He had a stroke owing to a blocked left carotid artery aged 66 which caused aphasia and reading and writing problems. Medication' amlodipine, bendroflumethiazide (blood pressure), simvastatin (cholesterol), aspirin, dipyridamole (antiplatelet).

  • Background

    Is a married father of 2 adult children and a retired industrial training manager. Ethnic background/nationality: White/English.

  • Age at interview 68
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 16

    He had a stroke due to a clot at the age of 55 which stroke caused initial paralysis on his left side. Current medication' ramipril, bendroflemethiazide (blood pressure), lipitor (cholesterol), aspirin, dipyridamole (antiplatelet).

  • Background

    Is a married father of 2 adult children and a retired civil servant. Ethnic background’ White/Scottish.

  • Age at interview 56
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 15

    He had his stroke due to a clot aged 54 which caused right sided paralysis and muscle spasms. Medication' amlodopine, perindopril (blood pressure), ezetimibe (cholesterol), aspirin (antiplatelet).

  • Background

    Is a married father of 2 adult children and retired charity worker. Ethnic background/nationality: White/English.

  • Age at interview 60
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 12

    She had a stroke at the age of 48 due to a dissection of the left carotid artery. Her stroke caused aphasia and epilepsy. Medication' pravastatin (cholesterol), aspirin (antiplatelet), Epilim, Frisium and levetiracetam (epilepsy).

  • Background

    Is recently divorced with no children. She is a medically retired teacher. Ethnic background/nationality: White/English.

  • Age at interview 54
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 11

    She had a stroke caused by a clot at the age of 34. The stroke caused left-sided paralysis, left hemianopia (loss of vision in left field) and epilepsy. Medication' aspirin (antiplatelet), epilim, tegretol (epilepsy).

  • Background

    Is a married mother of 1 who works as an admin assistant. Ethnic background’ White/English.

  • Age at interview 41
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 07

    He had a stroke/hemorrhage aged 47 which caused left paralysis, vision loss and epilepsy. Medication' bendroflemethiazide, celiprolol (blood pressure), atorvastatin (cholesterol), phenytoin, sodium valproate (epilepsy), paroxetine (depression).

  • Background

    Is married with 2 adult children. He was a master plasterer but now medically retired. Ethnic background/nationality: White/Scottish.

  • Age at interview 52
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 03

    She had multiple TIAs from the age of 65 and eventually had carotid endarterectomy age 67. Medication' perindopril (blood pressure), simvastatin (cholesterol), aspirin (antiplatelet), clopidpgrel (antiplatelet).

  • Background

    Is a widowed retired nurse with one adult child. Ethnic background/nationality: White/German.

  • Age at interview 67
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 02

    She had a stroke after an operation to remove a malignant melanoma. The stroke caused right weakness of her arm and problems with speech. Medication' aspirin (antiplatelet).

  • Background

    Is a married mother of 2 who works as a driving instructor. Ethnic background/nationality: White/Scottish.

  • Age at interview 29
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 54

    Her mother is cared for in her own home; initially she was supported by a cleaner who had been with her for 20 years. Since the cleaner retired they have installed a live-in carer. Arrangements for transfer to residential care in the near future are being considered.

  • Background

    Carer is one of four daughters looking after their widowed mother. She has two daughters of her own and works as a script editor. Her mother never went to work.

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Female