Interview HF25
Angina for many years. Heart failure angina for many years (unsure when it started). Heart failure diagnosed 2002.
Retired technical officer; married 1 child.
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Angina for many years. Heart failure angina for many years (unsure when it started). Heart failure diagnosed 2002.
Retired technical officer; married 1 child.
Interview with a carer who is married to woman who has had heart problems for several years.
Retired engineer; married with 2 children.
Interview with a carer, married to man who had a stroke in 2002 and developed heart failure soon afterwards.
Clerical officer; married with 2 children.
Interview with a carer married to a man who developed heart failure in the late 1990s after several heart attacks.
Wife and mother; married with 3 children.
2001 heart damage followed a virus, which led to heart failure.
Housekeeper; married 1 child.
1994 angina. Heart attacks 1994 and 2001. Heart failure diagnosed 2001.
Retired works manager; married with 2 children.
Heart attack 2000. Angioplasty and stent 2000. Heart failure diagnosed 2000. Waiting for heart transplant.
Self-employed export manager; married with 2 children.
Heart attack 1996. Pacemaker 2001. Heart failure diagnosed afterwards.
Retired postal worker; married with 3 children.
Quadruple heart bypass 1999. Complications followed surgery. Heart failure diagnosed 2000.
Retired lecturer; married with 2 children.
1994 started feeling unwell, heart failure diagnosed 1995.
Wife and mother; married with 3 children.