Interview 36
Testicular cancer (seminoma) diagnosed in 2001; orchidectomy. No secondary tumours found, but 10 treatments of radiotherapy to prevent recurrence.
Sales Manager; married, 3 children.
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Testicular cancer (seminoma) diagnosed in 2001; orchidectomy. No secondary tumours found, but 10 treatments of radiotherapy to prevent recurrence.
Sales Manager; married, 3 children.
Testicular cancer (probably a teratoma) diagnosed in 1999; orchidectomy. Secondary tumours, so 3 cycles of chemotherapy (one week in hospital and 2 at home for each cycle). Feb. 2000, further surgery to remove a tumour (para-aortic node), which turned out to be benign.
Company Director; married, 2 children.
Testicular cancer (seminoma) diagnosed in 2001; orchidectomy. No secondary tumours found; 10 days of radiotherapy planned to prevent recurrence.
Broadcasting; single, no children.
Testicular cancer diagnosed in 1998 (seminoma and teratoma in both testicles), followed by left orchidectomy and right partial orchidectomy, chemotherapy (2 cycles, each 3 days in hospital), and radiotherapy to right testicle to prevent any recurrence. In 2001, recurrence of seminoma in right testicle, followed by right orchidectomy, and hormone treatment.
Software Development Manager; married, 2 children.
Testicular cancer (teratoma) diagnosed in 2001, orchidectomy. No secondary tumours; no further treatment but regular monitoring (surveillance).
Company Director; married, 1 child.
Testicular cancer (seminoma) diagnosed in 1987; orchidectomy. No secondary tumours, but radiotherapy 5 times a week for a month to prevent recurrence.
Company Director; single, no children.
Testicular cancer (seminoma) diagnosed in 2001; orchidectomy. No secondary tumours but 8 treatments of radiotherapy to prevent recurrence.
Postal worker; married, 2 adult children.
Testicular cancer diagnosed in 1998; orchidectomy. No secondary tumours, but radiotherapy 5 times a week for 4 weeks to prevent recurrence.
Postal worker; married, 1 child.
Testicular cancer (seminoma) diagnosed in 2001; orchidectomy. No evidence of secondary tumours; one treatment of chemotherapy (only half an hour) to prevent recurrence.
Financial advisor; married, 2 children.
Testicular cancer (teratoma) diagnosed in 1984; orchidectomy. Secondary tumour found; 5 cycles of chemotherapy for 5 months (each cycle 7 days of treatment with 21 days in between at home).
Home Office; single, no children.