Interview 05
Abnormal smear followed by 6 month repeat smear. Abnormal result. Referred to colposcopy with suspected inflammation in 2000. No treatment needed.
Infant supervisory assistant; divorced, 1 child.
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Abnormal smear followed by 6 month repeat smear. Abnormal result. Referred to colposcopy with suspected inflammation in 2000. No treatment needed.
Infant supervisory assistant; divorced, 1 child.
Several abnormal smears, referred to colposcopy clinic. Diagnosed with abnormal cervical cells (CIN 3) in 1996. Treatment given; cone biopsy. Abnormal cells persisted. Further treatments to remove abnormal cells. Last colposcopy showed no abnormalities.
Clerk; married, one child.
Diagnosed with abnormal cervical cells in 1982-1987. Treatments given; diathermy loop excision, cone biopsy. Abnormal cells persisted. Treatment' Hysterectomy.
Professional; married, 2 children.
Diagnosed with abnormal cervical cells (CIN 3) in 1986. No treatment given but monitored with regular colposcopies. Test results showed CIN2 followed by a second recurrence of CIN3. Treatment' Cone Biopsy. Annual smears since. No further recurrence. Experience of doctors having difficulty getting adequate cells for smear test.
Legal secretary; widow, 2 children.
Diagnosed with abnormal cervical cells in 1991. Treated with Laser therapy. Recurrence of abnormal cells in 1992. Treated with Laser therapy. No further recurrence.
Designer; single, no children.
Diagnosed with colorectal cancer 1991, under went surgery.
Diagnosed with colorectal cancer 1991, under went surgery.
Diagnosed with colorectal cancer 1997. Received radiotherapy, surgery and a permanent colostomy.
Diagnosed with colorectal cancer 1997. Received radiotherapy, surgery and a permanent colostomy.
Diagnosed with colorectal cancer and secondary cancer of the liver and lung 1994. Bowel resection, temporary ileostomy; two liver re-sections, two lung resections, entire lung subsequently removed; chemotherapy.
Diagnosed with colorectal cancer and secondary cancer of the liver and lung 1994. Bowel resection, temporary ileostomy; two liver re-sections, two lung resections, entire lung subsequently removed; chemotherapy.
Diagnosed with colorectal cancer 1997, under went surgery, temporary colostomy and chemotherapy.
Diagnosed with colorectal cancer 1997, under went surgery, temporary colostomy and chemotherapy.
Diagnosed with colorectal cancer 1995, under went surgery, temporary ileostomy and a permanent colostomy.
Diagnosed with colorectal cancer 1995, under went surgery, temporary ileostomy and a permanent colostomy.