Interview 25
Abnormal smear in 2001, referred to colposcopy clinic. Diagnosed with abnormal cervical cells. Treatment given; diathermy loop excision. No recurrence.
Professional, married, 2 children.
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Abnormal smear in 2001, referred to colposcopy clinic. Diagnosed with abnormal cervical cells. Treatment given; diathermy loop excision. No recurrence.
Professional, married, 2 children.
Abnormal smear in 1992 (1st smear test) Referred for colposcopy. No treatment needed. Normal smears 1993-2000. Abnormal smear in 2001. Referred to colposcopy clinic. Diagnosed with abnormal cervical cells (CIN1/2). Awaiting results of biopsy for decision to be made about treatment.
Teacher; single, no children.
Abnormal smear test result in 1985. Referred to colposcopy clinic and diagnosed with abnormal cervical cells (CIN 1). Treatment given' laser therapy. No recurrence.
Housewife; married, 1 child.
Abnormal smear in 1998. Repeat 6 month smear normal. Abnormal smear in 2000. Referred to colposcopy clinic. No treatment needed.
Jeweller; married, 1 child.
Abnormal smear in 1998. Referred to colposcopy clinic. No treatment needed. Abnormal smears 1998-2001. Referred to colposcopy clinic. No treatment needed.
Home Care Assistant; widow, 2 children.
Abnormal smears in 1995. Referred to colposcopy clinic. Abnormal cervical cells diagnosed. Treatment given; Diathermy loop excision (in-patient). Abnormal smear in 2001. Referred to colposcopy clinic. Diagnosed with abnormal cervical cells (CIN2/3) Treatment given; diathermy loop excision (out-patient).
Care Assistant, cohabiting, 1 child, 3 step-children.
Abnormal smear 2000. Referred to colposcopy clinic 2001. No abnormal cervical cells found. No treatment needed.
Professional; single, no children.
Abnormal smear in 2001. Waiting for 6 month repeat smear.
Sales support; single, no children.
Abnormal smears 1992-1994. Referred to colposcopy clinic in 1994. Diagnosed with abnormal cervical cells. Treatment given; diathermy loop excision. Abnormal smear in 2001. Referred to colposcopy clinic. Waiting for treatment.
Beauty Therapist; single, no children.
Normal smear test results. Experience of an inadequate smear.
Legal secretary; divorced, 1 child.