Interview 10
Had a benign cyst about 20 years ago, which returned twice and was removed surgically. Has always attended for routine breast screening and results have been normal.
A retired telephonist. Divorced with 1 adult child.
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Had a benign cyst about 20 years ago, which returned twice and was removed surgically. Has always attended for routine breast screening and results have been normal.
A retired telephonist. Divorced with 1 adult child.
Attended her first routine mammogram at age 50. Has had no breast problems in the past and is awaiting results.
A district nurse. Married with no children.
Discovered a lump at age 28, which was benign and surgically removed. Missed some breast screening appointments but attended for a routine mammogram at age 53. Results were normal.
A business consultant. Divorced with 1 adult child.
Has attended for routine breast screening since around age 50. Has had a benign cyst, which was aspirated twice. Mammogram results have been normal.
A full-time writer. Married with 2 adult children.
Has had screening mammograms in the private sector since age 40. Is now also attending for routine mammograms on the NHS. Results have been normal.
Retired Marks and Spencer PA. Married with 2 adult children.
Has attended for routine breast screening since age 50. Results have been normal.
Is retired, married with 1 adult child.
Has attended for routine breast screening since age 50. Results have been normal. (Interview translated from Cantonese.)
Retired from catering business. Married with 3 adult children.
Ovarian cancer diagnosed in 1997 after finding a lump in her abdomen. Treated by surgical removal of both ovaries.
Housewife, separated, 2 children.
Ovarian cancer diagnosed in 2003 following shoulder pain, abdominal bloating, cough, and pain on eating. Treated by surgical removal of ovaries and womb followed by chemotherapy.
Artist, divorced, one adult child.
Ovarian cancer diagnosed in 1994 following tiredness, pain, nausea and vomiting. Treated with bowel surgery then chemotherapy. Recurrence treated by chemotherapy prior to surgical removal of ovaries and womb. Second recurrence treated by more chemotherapy.
Retired teacher, single, no children.