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Interview 03

RA diagnosed '86. For 10 years chose NSAIDs/pain killers and complementary therapies. DMARD treatments started 1996 (various). 2 replacement shoulders 2000. Started Infliximab 9/02. Less pain/tiredness but pre-existing damage means hip replacement '04.

  • Background

    Lecturer part time, married with three children. Third child born 8 years after RA diagnosis (1994). First interview 9/02 and second interview 11/03.

  • Age at interview 49
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 01

    Psoriatic arthritis diagnosed at 15 then RA at 25 ('99) but delayed as negative blood tests. Initial treatments DMARDs and steroid pulses. Currently steroid tablets, NSAIDs, Methotrexate injected weekly & Anti-TNF Infliximab infusions began 2 months ago.

  • Background

    Pensions administrator, reduced hours to part time. Diagnosed whilst living at home now cohabiting. No children but considering for future.

  • Age at interview 29
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 08

    Polyarthralgia 1983 & '90. RA diagnosed '91 after knee pain & general decrease in mobility. Side-effects from Gold injections & some NSAIDs; knee injections helped. Now Methotrexate10mg/wk (+folic acid) & Ibuprofen 1/day & pain killers. Sjogren's syndrome.

  • Background

    Retired secretary, widowed with 2 adult children.

  • Age at interview 68
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 05

    RA diagnosed as significant symptoms after birth of 2nd child. Complementary treatments used. Takes Diclofenac 15mg & 2 Coproxamol daily. 10 operations hips, knees & shoulder replacement/revision; neck, ankle & toe fusions, and removal of bone in 1 elbow.

  • Background

    Teacher, retired on health grounds, married with 2 adult children.

  • Age at interview 51
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 02

    Polymyalgia/palindromic arthritis episodes '88-92, RA diagnosed '94 & OA. Daily Voltarol 75mg, Defalzacort 6mg, pain killers & Methotrexate 25mg/wk (folic acid 5/7 days). Some steroid pulses. 2 hips, 2 knees replaced due to OA & shoulder operation proposed.

  • Background

    Retired journalist/shopkeeper currently studying for an Open University degree. Married with 4 adult children.

  • Age at interview 70
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 17

    Diagnosed 1970. After early years, had 15 yrs when relatively well on NSAIDs. Flared up 99/00. Methotrexate 25mg/wk, daily Rofecoxib 25mg, Tramadol 200mg, anti-depressants & HRT. Awaiting 1 hip & 2 elbow replacements, wrist & finger straightening surgery

  • Background

    Partner in farming business, married with one adult child (born after RA started).

  • Age at interview 53
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 42

    Six months ago he decided not to have a PSA test, partly because he did not have urinary symptoms, and his GP was not in favour of doing it. Since then he has changed his mind, mainly due to peer pressure, and will probably have the test in the next few months.

  • Background

    Occupation’ Retired. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 68
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 18

    Mild urinary symptoms led to a consultation with his GP. Having received information and discussed the situation he decided not to have a PSA test for the moment, mainly because of the uncertainty surrounding the PSA test; that it can not reliably diagnose prostate cancer.

  • Background

    Occupation’ Retired teacher. Marital status married. Number of children’ 2. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 57
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 41

    Has not had urinary symptoms and does not have a family history of prostate cancer. As a medical doctor he has had good access to information about the PSA test and has decided not to have one.

  • Background

    Occupation’ Medical researcher. Marital status married. Number of children’ 3. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 62
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 33

    Had first routine mammogram at age 51. Calcifications found which were benign. Three months later DCIS was discovered. Had a second operation, and breast cancer was discovered. Had a third operation, radiotherapy and tamoxifen.

  • Background

    A teacher, single with no children.

  • Age at interview 52
  • Sex/Gender Female