Interview CP12
Multiple tests all negative. Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, 2002. Pain management: Pain Association Scotland Living with Pain course. Current Medication: Occasionally uses co-codamol.
Secretary; married.
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Multiple tests all negative. Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, 2002. Pain management: Pain Association Scotland Living with Pain course. Current Medication: Occasionally uses co-codamol.
Secretary; married.
Back pain since motorbike accident in 1994. Pain management: Out patient NHS pain management programme. Current medication: Occasionally uses anti-inflammatory drugs.
Unemployed; divorced; 2 children.
Neck, back and elbow pain gradual onset since 1981. Surgery: Elbow surgery. Treatments: corticosteroid injections in elbows. Pain management: Out patient NHS pain management programme. Current medication: co-proxamol occasional use, tramadol for flare-up.
Care home manager; single.
Back/neck pain since 1994. Spinal compression and arthritis. Surgery: Disc surgery in neck and surgery on lower back. Treatment: Epidural steroid injections. Pain management: Out-patient NHS pain management programme. Current medication: rofecoxib (Vioxx), amitriptyline, tramadol for flare-up. Past medication: morphine (oral and patches).
Group Managing Director (Returned to work after pain management); married; 3 children.
Back pain following injury working with horses 1999. Surgery: Discectomy, 1999. Treatment: Pain Clinic for epidural steroid injection. Current medication: co-codamol (Tylex), codeine phosphate, tramadol.
Medically retired horse breaker; divorced; 3 children.
Back pain since 1981. Failed back surgery syndrome. Diagnosed with Arachnoiditis, 2001. Surgery: laminectomy, correction of laminectomy and spinal fusion. Pain management: Learnt through support group and books. Current medication: distalgesic, co-proxamol, maprotoline, oxycodone (Oxycontin) during recent flare-up.
Retired careers officer; married; 2 children.
Back injury/pain following car accident, 1993. Fusion stabilisation surgery 1993, Repair to broken pin, 1994, Removal of stabilisation rods and pins 2001. Pain management: Learnt through physiotherapy and Back Care charity. Current medication: Herbal anti-inflammatory.
Fund-raising manager; married.
Head, neck and back pain following injury at work in 1998. Treatments: Physiotherapy after injury. Pain Clinic. Pain management: One-one psychology counselling. Pain Association Scotland Living with Pain course Current medication: co-dydramol, ibuprofen.
Medically retired maintenance plumber; married; 2 children.
Multiple tests all negative. Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Treatment: Physiotherapy Pain management: Pain Association Scotland Living with Pain course. Current medication: amitriptyline, quinine sulphate, diclofenac sodium (Arthrotec), co-codamol (Kapake), omeprazole (Losec).
Medically retired care officer; married; 3 children.
Brachial plexus injury following motorbike accident in 1983. Two failed nerve operations. Treatment: Pain Clinic for TENS and nerve block. Pain management: Pain Association Scotland Living with Pain course. Current medication: co-codomal.
Medically retired fitter; married; 5 children.