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Interview 10

Her 2nd pregnancy' 20-week scan indicated serious abnormalities. Amniocentesis and scans identified Patau's syndrome. Pregnancy was ended by induction (no feticide at her request) at 24 weeks. Since then she has had another baby.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 1998. No of children 2 + [1]. Ages of other children at interview’ 6, 4. Occupations Mother – nurse, Father – warehouse manager. Marital status married. Ethnic...

  • Age at interview 31
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 15

    Her 1st pregnancy' Triple test at 16 weeks indicated baby was at high risk of having Edwards syndrome. Amniocentesis confirmed Edwards syndrome. Pregnancy ended by induction at 19 weeks. She and her husband agreed to post mortem. She has since had another two babies.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 1999. No of children at interview’ 2 + [1]. Ages of other children’ 4, 1. Occupations Mother – Engineering procurement buyer. Father – Project manager. Marital status...

  • Age at interview 36
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 22

    Discovered she was a beta thalassaemia carrier during her first pregnancy. Her husband was tested and is not a carrier. Their first daughter is a carrier. Video and audio clips read by an actor recorded in Urdu.

  • Background

    Housewife, married with two children aged 3 and 5 months. Ethnic background/nationality: Pakistani.

  • Age at interview 20
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 18

    First baby diagnosed with sickle cell anaemia after birth. As a Christian, the mother chose not to have prenatal diagnosis in her next pregnancy. The second baby is a carrier. Her third baby is not a carrier. Video and audio clips in French.

  • Background

    Full-time mother, with three children aged 9, 8 and 3. Partner is a driver. Ethnic background/nationality: French African.

  • Age at interview 40
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 17

    Mother who is a beta thalassaemia carrier, and her husband is not a carrier. They have been told in several pregnancies they need to repeat the test, which has caused anxiety. Video and audio clips played by an actor.

  • Background

    Community development worker, married to warehouse operative, with two children aged 5 and 1. Ethnic background/nationality: Pakistani.

  • Age at interview 29
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 15

    Father knew he was a beta thalassaemia carrier. Mother discovered in pregnancy she was also a carrier. Couple had CVS and were told the baby had beta thalassaemia major. Since birth the baby has been well and has not needed transfusions as expected.

  • Background

    Married couple, with on child aged 14 months. Mother aged 36, father 35. Both are solicitors. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 14

    Mother discovered she was a sickle cell carrier in her first pregnancy. Father is not a carrier. He later changed his name and was recalled for screening when she was pregnant again. Audio clips in French.

  • Background

    Cleaning company supervisor and social work student, married with two children aged 5 and 3. Ethnic background/nationality: Black African (Congo).

  • Age at interview 31
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 13

    Routine pregnancy screening showed she is a carrier of beta thalassaemia, and that he carries haemoglobin E. They had amniocentesis, and the baby was unaffected. They would have had a termination if the baby was affected. Interview mainly in English with some brief discussion in Vietnamese.

  • Background

    Married couple, first pregnancy. Mother aged 27, father 32. Father is an accountant. Ethnic background/nationality: Vietnamese.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 12

    Female partner discovered she was HIV positive when she came to the UK. When she changed HIV consultant, a routine blood test showed she was a sickle cell carrier. Male partner has not yet had carrier screening.

  • Background

    Couple with no children, aged 35 (female) and 57 (male). Female partner is not working, male partner is a carer. Ethnic background/nationality: Female- Black African, Male- White British.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 11

    Mother knew she was a sickle cell carrier; partner had screening late in pregnancy. She was shocked when the baby was born with sickle cell anaemia. Although the baby is well, she was so afraid of having another affected baby she ended her next pregnancy.

  • Background

    Chef, single, one child aged 2. Ethnic background/nationality: Black African.

  • Age at interview 30
  • Sex/Gender Female