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Interview 03

There is a thirty to forty per-cent chance that an identical twin will develop type 1 diabetes. Both brothers were diagnosed within 3 months of each other in 1996. The first to be diagnosed did experience symptoms but the other twin found out he had type 1 diabetes following urine & blood tests. Their great-grandmother had type 1 diabetes. Insulin regime' rapid-acting analogue (Humalog) using prefilled pen three times a day and long-acting analogue (Lantus) in the evening. Now they are attending the young persons diabetes clinic & are seen by the consultant on a one-one basis rather than together as they were when children. Both brothers appreciate their individual consultations.

  • Background

    Identical twin brothers. First year university students, when at home live with mother & stepfather. In 2004 they both completed a World Challenge project spending one month in Kyrgyzstan. Both...

  • Age at interview 18
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 02

    When first diagnosed he was on Mixtard insulin twice daily and the long acting insulin Lantus. Now he has changed to Novorapid three times daily and Levemir. He has well control diabetes and his last HbA1c test result was 7.7. Recently he has had a series of hypos all happening in the morning that he attributes to the end of school and being more active during the day. In general, his experiences of hypos have mostly been isolated events. His diet hasn't changed much since diagnosis but he eats at regular set times. When first diagnosed he found it difficult to start doing his insulin injections. It took him several weeks before he was confident enough to do the injections himself.

  • Background

    Lives with parents and two sisters. He is a full time student and is preparing his GCSE’s exams. At university he wants to study medicine.

  • Age at interview 16
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 01

    Diagnosed in 1999, age 15. She was on an insulin called Human Mixtard that she injected twice a day and had to eat every three hours. Now she is on Lantus, an analogue long-acting insulin that she injects once a day and on fast-acting insulin; NovoRapid that she injects when she eats. Shortly after the interview she was due to go and try an Insulin Pump.

  • Background

    Student; lives away from home; practices several sports including surfing and has travelled a few times to far away places. Says that she does not let diabetes affect her life...

  • Age at interview 21
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 18

    Became depressed while looking after a friend with depression. Believes Seroxat contributed to her suicide attempt. With counselling and new medication (venlafaxine 150mg/day) she is getting better.

  • Background

    A 20 year old woman living and studying in a university town in the Midlands. While experiencing isolation and bullying in secondary school, she was able to make a close...

  • Age at interview 20
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 17

    Current medication includes Seroxat, Zyperxa (olanzapine), Lamactil (lamatrigine). Is grappling with building friendships and what he wants to do in life. He has found one kinesiologist in particular to be very helpful.

  • Background

    Currently not working, is living with his father. He endured bullying at school, and in the 90s, his mother died from cancer. He battles depression and anxiety (including depersonalisation)

  • Age at interview 35
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 16

    The most helpful approaches for him have included getting rest, counselling, lifestyle changes (involving moving to a better community and living on less money), spirituality and partner support.

  • Background

    Is a gay man living with his partner. He has had a number of major episodes of depression. He has experienced difficult work environments as well as homophobic violence.

  • Age at interview 49
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 15

    With the help of a caring GP, her counsellor, private hospital treatment, Efexor (150mg/day) and self-help books, she was feeling better and is keen to continue her healing and help others. She has written a book' Saving Samantha' A Young Woman's Escape from Childhood Hell (isbn 1401910300) about her experiences.

  • Background

    Working as a PA, survived an abusive father and complicit mother. Left home at 18 and was taken in by a caring Irish family. Has suffered severe bouts of depression...

  • Age at interview 24
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 14

    Has responded well to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. He has the support of his wife and has built his confidence in a local sporting club. He recognises depression as a phase that passes.

  • Background

    A retired, married man. He has 2 grown children and grandchildren. Diagnosed in his early 20’s he has had numerous episodes of depression and has suffered from anxiety.

  • Age at interview 73
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 13

    Has only recent seen himself as getting better, being helped by therapy (eg. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Gestalt), a clairvoyant therapist/doctor, the learning of meditation techniques, and medication (Effexor 75mg, Lithium (400mg/day).

  • Background

    A retired 69 year old male who has suffered bipolar disorder since young adulthood, and severe bouts of depression requiring hospitalisation.

  • Age at interview 69
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 07

    Used a raft of strategies to recover including time off work, attending a support group, counselling, physical exercise, interaction with nature and pets, and spiritual healing.

  • Background

    An athletic 45 year old man who was originally born in Brazil, now living with his partner in London. His most recent episode of depression started in late 2002 and...

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Male