Interview 03
There is a thirty to forty per-cent chance that an identical twin will develop type 1 diabetes. Both brothers were diagnosed within 3 months of each other in 1996. The first to be diagnosed did experience symptoms but the other twin found out he had type 1 diabetes following urine & blood tests. Their great-grandmother had type 1 diabetes. Insulin regime' rapid-acting analogue (Humalog) using prefilled pen three times a day and long-acting analogue (Lantus) in the evening. Now they are attending the young persons diabetes clinic & are seen by the consultant on a one-one basis rather than together as they were when children. Both brothers appreciate their individual consultations.
Identical twin brothers. First year university students, when at home live with mother & stepfather. In 2004 they both completed a World Challenge project spending one month in Kyrgyzstan. Both...