Interview 34
She has had difficulties in finding the right type of insulin regimen for her. Until last year she was taking two injections daily of Mixtard 80/20. When she was 14 years old she had a severe fit and ended up in a coma. She has had several more fits after that but says that at present cannot cope with preparing exams and changing insulin regimen at the same time. Her current insulin regimen is still two injections a day of a mix insulin called NovoMix 30. Her last HbA1C was 10.4 which she admits is too high. She says that she keeps her blood sugar levels a bit high because she is frightened of going low and having more fits. Her new diabetes care team has suggested she consider using an insulin pump but they have also said that it will only work if she is ready for it.
Lives with mother and is preparing for her final A level exams. Next September she and her boyfriend will go to the same university. She plans to study Physical Education.