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Interview 03

Screened in 2000, aged 64. Faecal Occult Blood test (FOB) test was normal, but later he noticed blood in his stools, was referred to a consultant, diagnosed with cancer, and treated with surgery.

  • Background

    A white British man, a retired engineering manager, widower with 2 children.

  • Age at interview 70
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 02

    Screened in 2001, when aged 58. Faecal Occult Blood (FOB) test result normal. In 2003 had bowel problems, consulted her GP, who referred her to a consultant. She had a colonoscopy, with a normal result.

  • Background

    A white British woman, in business, a widow with 2 children.

  • Age at interview 63
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 01

    Invited for screening in 2001 when aged 62. The first Faecal Occult Blood (FOB) test suggested there might be a problem, so test repeated. He had a colonoscopy, was diagnosed with bowel cancer, had surgery and a temporary ileostomy.

  • Background

    A white British man, retired swimming coach, married with 3 children.

  • Age at interview 67
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 03

    He is the co-founder of SIBLINKS, a support group for the brothers and sisters of young people diagnosed with cancer.

  • Background

    His brother died from acute lymphoblastic T-cell leukaemia at the age of 12. He was 14 when his brother was diagnosed.

  • Age at interview 26
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 34

    Diagnosed in 2004 with testicular cancer, stage 1. Treatments: surgery; orchidectomy (removal of a testicle); chemotherapy; three weeks chemotherapy treatment; side-effects; hearing problems tinnitus. Once a month check ups and blood tests. In remission.

  • Background

    Photographer, single, lives with parents half the time and with his brother the rest of the time. Would like to work for a cancer charity or carry on with photography.

  • Age at interview 25
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 30

    He was diagnosed with Stage III Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2000. Treatment consisted of a biopsy - left neck, insertion of portocath in 2000 and eight months of chemotherapy, CLIVPP and ABVD. In remission since January 2001.

  • Background

    Single, no children; lives at home with his mother; finished A levels and he is having a gap year. Says that he want to study medicine. White British.

  • Age at interview 19
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 38

    He uses two types of insulin' Humalog and Lantus. Humalog is a short acting one that he injects just before each meal and it peaks after about fifteen or twenty minutes. Lantus is the long-acting or background insulin that he injects once a day before bedtime. Before Lantus he used to use Humulin I and it was changed because doctors thought it would suit him better. Lantus has improved his overall control and he doesn't experience low blood sugar levels in the mornings as he did before. To him the only problem with Lantus is the disposable pens which he thinks are rubbish!

  • Background

    He finished secondary school last year and plans to go to university to study mathematics in September. At present he is working and lives at home with his parents and...

  • Age at interview 18
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 37

    When younger her diabetes was poorly control. She was put on an insulin pump for a year and a half. But she did not like having an insulin pump because for her it was a constant reminder that she has diabetes. Doctors decided to change her insulin regimen and she was put back on two insulin injections a day. Since then her control has improved and she attributes it to maturity and to an acceptance of her diabetes. For the last three and a half years she has been using Mixtard 70/30. Doctors have suggested changing to four injections a day but she is not sure about it.

  • Background

    She is a full-time student studying for her Highers exams. Her family includes her parents, a twin brother and two older sisters. She thought about being a primary school teacher...

  • Age at interview 16
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 36

    After diagnosis he gave up smoking, he started to play sports more regularly and made many improvements to his diet. He eats more vegetables and fruits and feels that his life style is healthier than before diagnosis. His diabetes is well-controlled and he attributes this to a combination of testing his blood sugar levels regularly, knowing how much insulin to take with each meal and healthy eating. For a while after diagnosis he tested his blood sugar levels before and after a meal until he became more confident about diabetes control. But says that finger pricking is the only thing about having diabetes that he doesn't like. After diagnosis he was put on two injections a day of Mixtard, but found it didn't suit his student lifestyle and asked his diabetes team to recommend another regimen. Currently he is on Levemir and fast-acting Humalog insulin that he injects every time he eats.

  • Background

    School teacher; lives in shared accommodation with friends. Likes to travel and says that he always has had a positive outlook and that diabetes has never stopped him from doing...

  • Age at interview 24
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 35

    After diagnosis she was on two injections a day of Humalog Mix 25. As a child she used to have lots of hypos and twice she was admitted to hospital. When she was about 14 years old her insulin regimen was changed to four injections a day' a long-lasting injection in the evening (Levemir) and an injection of fast-acting insulin three times a day at mealtimes (NovoRapid). She kept forgetting to take her lunch time insulin and was having high blood sugar levels. She went back to Humalog Mix 25 until she decided to try again the four injections a day regimen. This insulin regimen has worked very well the second time and she thinks it is because she is able to carry her insulin pen with her rather than leaving it in the school office. She has improved her diet by including slow-release carbohydrate (GI food) and more vegetables and fruits.

  • Background

    Sixth-form student preparing for her final exams. Plans to go to university this year. Lives with her parents & younger sister. Her mother was diagnosed at 14 with type 1...

  • Age at interview 17
  • Sex/Gender Female