Interview LC02
Diagnosed non-small cell lung cancer August 2000, followed by chemotherapy, then right pneumonectomy (right lung removed) in December 2000.
Company chairman, married, no children.
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Diagnosed non-small cell lung cancer August 2000, followed by chemotherapy, then right pneumonectomy (right lung removed) in December 2000.
Company chairman, married, no children.
Diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer April 2002, followed by chemotherapy, and then lobectomy. In October 2002 metastases in the brain, treated with radiotherapy (died in February 2003).
Director of undergraduate programmes, divorced, 2 children.
Diagnosed with small cell lung cancer October 1997, lobectomy (removal of a lobe of lung), then chemotherapy January 1998 - June 1998, followed by radiotherapy to head to prevent spread to brain.
Assembly spray paint worker (retired), married, 2 children.
Non-small cell lung cancer diagnosed April 2000, followed by radiotherapy from outside the chest to the lung (CHART) in June 2000 (died March 2003).
Accountant (retired), widow, 2 children.
Testicular cancer diagnosed in 1999; orchidectomy. No secondary tumours, but one month of radiotherapy (20 treatments) to prevent any recurrence.
Illustrator/ painter; single.
Testicular cancer (teratoma and seminoma) diagnosed in 1998. Orchidectomy, and active monitoring (surveillance). In December 1999 secondary abdominal tumour found, followed by 3 months chemotherapy (each cycle 3 days in hospital followed by 2 weeks at home), and then in April 2000 major surgery to remove remains of an abdominal tumour.
Testicular cancer (teratoma and seminoma) diagnosed in 1998. Orchidectomy, and active monitoring (surveillance). In December 1999 secondary abdominal tumour found, followed by 3 months chemotherapy (each cycle 3 days in...
Testicular cancer (teratoma) with secondary tumours in lung and abdomen diagnosed in 1997. Orchidectomy, followed by 5 months of chemotherapy (10 days in hospital each month).
Separated, 1 child.
Testicular cancer (teratoma) and secondary tumours diagnosed in 1994. Orchidectomy and 5 cycles of chemotherapy (each with 3 or 4 days in hospital and two weeks at home). In Feb. 1995 major surgery (left thoraco-abdominal retroperitoneal lymph node dissec
Student nurse; single, no children.
Testicular cancer (seminoma) diagnosed in 1998. No secondary tumours found, but 10 treatments of radiotherapy over three weeks to prevent recurrence.
Machine tool operator; married, 2 children.
Testicular cancer (teratoma) diagnosed in 1997. Orchidectomy, followed by active monitoring (surveillance). Then secondary tumour found in the spermatic cord. Surgery to remove the tumour and 4 cycles of chemotherapy, each cycle with 7 days in hospital and 14 days at home.
Professional; married, no children.