Interview CC09
Diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1996. External Radiotherapy (22 sessions) followed by Internal Radiotherapy (30 hours).
Teacher; married, 2 children.
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Diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1996. External Radiotherapy (22 sessions) followed by Internal Radiotherapy (30 hours).
Teacher; married, 2 children.
Diagnosed with cervical cancer in1996. External Radiotherapy followed by Internal Radiotherapy.
Personal Assistant, married, 3 children.
Diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1994. Wertheim's hysterectomy. Both ovaries and some lymph nodes removed.
Researcher, married, no children.
Diagnosed with cervical cancer (Stage1B) in 1991. External Radiotherapy (30 sessions), followed by Internal Radiotherapy. Radical hysterectomy after radiotherapy. Both ovaries and some lymph nodes removed.
Support Group Volunteer; divorced, 3 children.
Diagnosed with cervical cancer (adenocarcinoma) in 2001. After examination under anaesthetic (EUA) a hysterectomy was not possible. Radio-chemotherapy planned.
Financial Assessor; divorced, 1 child.
Diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2001. Wertheim's hysterectomy. One ovary and 32 lymph nodes removed.
Accountant; married, 2 children.
Diagnosed with cervical cancer (Stage 1B) in 2001. Radical hysterectomy planned.
Restaurant Owner; divorced, 2 children.
Lung cancer diagnosed in 1999. Left lobectomy (lobe of lung removed) in April 2002. Recurrence detected in lymph nodes in 2002, treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy (died June 2003).
Driver of excavator (retired), married, 4 children.
Lung cancer diagnosed December 2002, waiting for radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Manager of textile suppliers (retired), married, 1 child.
Lung cancer diagnosed in 2002, treated with chemotherapy.
Care assistant (retired), married, 2 children.