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Interview 29

RA diagnosed '90 & Juvenile RA age 8-11. Significant DMARD side-effects. Had breast cancer '98 & drugs also relieved RA. Methotrexate 15mg/week, folic acid 5mg 6/7 days, daily Diclofenac, Tamoxifen 20mg & Nibedipine 20mg. Paracetemol & Zantac as required.

  • Background

    Full time senior position within the NHS, single, no children. Family history of arthritis.

  • Age at interview 49
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Georgina - Interview 57

    Diagnosed two years ago Georgina has been on B-cell therapy rituximab since November 2007. Previously she was on anti-TNF therapies; Humira and Enbrel. Her diagnosis of RA came about after her Pain Syndrome consultant referred her to the rheumatology clinic.

  • Background

    Georgina lives at home with her husband and son and describes both of them as caring and supportive. She can no longer drive and feels she has lost her independence....

  • Age at interview 40
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Janet - Interview 56

    Diagnosed in 2006. Janet takes Methotrexate 15 mg but experiences severe sickness and nausea. She will start taking Methotrexate in injection form and hopes this will reduce its side effects. She also takes Tramadol with paracetamol; folic acid and amitriptyline at night when needed.

  • Background

    Janet lives with her husband. She was told by her doctor to stop working as a horticulturalist because tasks such as digging and heavy lifting were affecting her condition. Ethnic...

  • Age at interview 41
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Charlotte - Interview 55

    Charlotte was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in July 2007. The first time she saw her consultant was as a private patient because on the NHS there was a waiting period of three months. She is on Methotrexate. She feels more tired than before her diagnosis.

  • Background

    Charlotte is a full time teacher and just before diagnosis she applied for a post in a school in her home town. She has moved back in with her parents.

  • Age at interview 25
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sarah - Interview 54

    Until two years ago Sarah had very bad arthritis and was in severe pain. Her consultant applied and was granted funding to put her on anti-TNF treatment' Enbrel. Sarah describes Enbrel as 'completely and totally changing her life'.

  • Background

    Sarah lives at home with her parents and works part-time. She is planning to go back to college to do an animal care course. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 22
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Tara - Interview 53

    Following her diagnosis Tara was put on Methotrexate and this controlled her illness very well. She came off Methotrexate after deciding to have a second child. She describes her antenatal care as 'excellent' and felt safe and reassured. She is currently on anti-TNF treatment' Humira.

  • Background

    Tara is married with two young children. She was diagnosed shortly after her first child was born. She says that she and her husband experienced both parenthood and rheumatoid arthritis...

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Kate - Interview 52

    None of her previous non-biologic treatments have worked long-term. Her condition deteriorated to such an extent that she was housebound and needed help with most things. Currently she is on Enbrel and Methotrexate and her condition is much improved.

  • Background

    Kate lives with her partner and works full-time as a sales consultant. Says that her partner and the nurses at the clinic provided the emotional support she needed when she...

  • Age at interview 26
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Michelle - Interview 51

    Michelle is currently on anti-TNF treatment' Humira. She has taken Methotrexate for a number of years but has had breaks in between following a biopsy that revealed liver scarring. Michelle was diagnosed with osteopenia (a milder form of osteoporosis) in her spine and needs to take calcium tablets regularly.

  • Background

    Michelle is a university graduate and works in the field of education at university level. She is planning to move to France and to work either teaching English or doing...

  • Age at interview 25
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Melissa - Interview 50

    Melissa was first diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and later with rheumatoid arthritis. She was on Methotrexate for about eight years. She has been on two Anti-TNF treatments etanercepts (Enbrel) and adalimumab (Humira) and expects to be started on influximab soon.

  • Background

    Melissa lives with her parents and would like to do a writing course. She uses the Internet a lot emailing and talking to her friends abroad. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 22
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 26

    Diagnosed '94 after flu like symptoms & joint problems for 6 weeks. Gold injections 50mg/week, slow release Voltarol 75mg/day, pain killers, Prozac 20mg/day (depression). Steroid injections when required. 3 bone removal operations from toes and ankle.

  • Background

    Retired (on health grounds) chef. Separated, living on own, 3 children.

  • Age at interview 46
  • Sex/Gender Male