Interview AN22
Declined all screening except 20-week anomaly scan in two most recent pregnancies.
Children’ 4 (ages 20, 19, 6 and 4), Occupation’ Mother – Vicar, Father – househusband/computer consultant, Marital status Married.
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Declined all screening except 20-week anomaly scan in two most recent pregnancies.
Children’ 4 (ages 20, 19, 6 and 4), Occupation’ Mother – Vicar, Father – househusband/computer consultant, Marital status Married.
Scan in first pregnancy detected blighted ovum. Three healthy pregnancies since . Now 8 months into fifth pregnancy. 20-week scan detected possible abnormalities; subsequent scans have been reassuring.
Children’ Three children aged 6, 4 and 2, Occupation’ Mother – self-employed artist, Father – banker, Marital status married.
Couple declined all early screening in two pregnancies, because they would not consider terminating an affected pregnancy, but did have 20-week anomaly scans. Currently pregnant.
Children’ One (aged 2), Occupation’ Mother – nurse, Father – nurse, now trainee teacher, Marital status Married.
Hypoplastic left heart suspected at 19-week scan, confirmed by cardiac scan. Couple decided to end the pregnancy. Chose amniocentesis in next pregnancy (baby born 2002).
Children’ 2 (aged 8 and 1), Occupation’ Mother – Business Analyst, Father – Accountant, Marital status Married.
Routine screening experiences. Healthy baby born 2002.
Children’ 1 (age 17 months), Occupation’ Housewife/student, Marital status Single.
Normal first pregnancy, routine screening experiences, including combined nuchal scan and blood test.
Children’ First pregnancy, Occupation’ Mother – research scientist (trained as doctor), Father – software engineer, Marital status Married.
Their daughter was diagnosed with pulmonary atresia, VSD & an overiding aorta. Treatment' closed heart surgery (shunt) at 11 days old, closed heart surgery (shunt) at 11 months old. Corrective open heart surgery at 2' yrs old. Current medication' none. More of this interview can be seen on the DIPEX Congenital Heart Disease site as interview CHD30.
Diagnosed at 10 days old. Parents marital status married. Occupation’ M-Full time mum (trained as GP), F-Curate. Other children’ one younger child. The family lived close by to a Specialist...
Their son was diagnosed with a complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect (AVSD), pulmonary atresia and right atrial isomerism. Other problems No spleen and mal-rotation of the gut. Treatment' A BT shunt at 24 hrs old, followed by the Glenn procedure at 6 months. More of this interview can be seen on the DIPEX Congenital Heart Disease site as interview CHD14.
Diagnosed during pregnancy (22 weeks). Parents marital status single. Occupation’ Full time mum. Other children’ A twin brother and one older child. The family live close by to a specialist...
Normal first pregnancy; some early scanning after bleeding in first trimester. Screening includes nuchal translucency scan and blood testing.
Children’ First pregnancy, Occupation’ Publishing editor, Marital status Married.
Their daughter was diagnosed with ostium primum Atrial Septal Defect (ASD). Treatment' Surgery at 18 months old to close the hole with a dacron patch. Stitches in the mitral valve. No further surgery planned. Current medication' none. More of this interview can be seen on the DIPEX Congenital Heart Disease site as interview CHD12.
Child’s age at Interview’ 3.5 years. Age at diagnosis during pregnancy (24 weeks). Parents marital status married. Occupation’ Mother-Doctor, Father-Doctor. Other children’ One older child. The family live close by...