
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Interview 18

For all immunisations They used the Internet to search for research papers in medical journals, read books, talked to other parents about their decisions which were both pro and anti immunisation and talked to the midwife at their birth group and to their GP.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ married, two children, aged 6 years (daughter), 4 years (son). Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Environmental Consultant, Father- Farmer. Ethnic background’ White-British.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 17

    For DTaP/IPV/Hib' After her daughter had a reaction to the second set of immunisations she took advice from her GP, a hospital consultant and a doctor friend. In addition she got a second opinion from a paediatric immuniologist, which helped her to make a decision.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ married, one daughter aged 7 months. Parents occupation’ Mother- Solicitor, Father- Investment Banker. Ethnic background’ White-British.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 16

    For DTaP/IPV/Hib' Followed recommendations of health professionals. For MMR' Found it useful to talk to their health visitor, other parents who had already had their child immunised and to their extended family. Read information in parenting magazines, a parenting web site and newspaper articles.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ cohabiting, one son aged 14 months. Undergoing tests to establish whether he has a mild egg allergy. Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Arts Administrator, Father- Course Lecturer.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 15

    For DTaP/IPV/Hib' Followed recommendations of health professionals. For MMR' Experiences of friends who had had their child immunised were useful. Gathered information from newspaper articles, Department of Health leaflets and the media. Spoke to her parents and friends.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ married, one son aged 1 year. Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Full time mum, Father- Commercial Ship Operator. Ethnic background’ White-British (Scottish).

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 26

    For all immunisations Followed recommendations of health professionals. Believed media only presented one side of the argument.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ married, 5 children aged 21, 18, 16, 4 years (son), 2 years (daughter). Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Director of Communications, Father- Professional Actor. Ethnic background’ White-British.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 24

    She talks about decisions around immunisations for her son who was a premature baby.

  • Background

    At the time of publishing this website, this person was in the process of filing a compensation claim. We cannot display further information until the case has been resolved.

  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 23

    For DTaP/IPV/Hib' Spoke to friends in the UK and Germany who were medically qualified. Experience of immunisation for her oldest daughter in Germany by anthroposophical doctors influenced her decision. She felt there was little opportunity to discuss immunisations with her own GP and health visitor.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ cohabiting, two children, aged 10 years (daughter) and 3 months (daughter). Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Research Consultant. Father- Art Director (Film). Ethnic background’ White-European. (Hungary).

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview AN28

    Healthy pregnancy after an early miscarriage. Interviewee has a brother with severe learning disabilities and describes having genetic screening and counselling in early pregnancy.

  • Background

    Children’ One baby, 8 months, Occupation’ Mother – lecturer, Father – lecturer, Marital status Married.

  • Age at interview 33
  • Sex/Gender Female