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Interview 17

Single mother of two. First child born by emergency caesarean, second by elective caesarean. Faced unhelpful assumptions because she was young and single.

  • Background

    Children’ 2, aged 4 and 16 months at time of interview. Occupations Mother- childcare worker. Marital status single. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 23
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 15

    Confusion in early stages of pregnancy about whether or not it was viable. Unexplained abdominal pain. Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (pelvic pain) in latter stages.

  • Background

    Children’ 1, aged 11 months at time of interview. Occupations Mother- academic researcher, Father- engineer. Marital status married. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 31
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 23

    Antenatal screening test showed raised risk of Down's syndrome. Decided not to have further tests and had a baby with Down's syndrome, now a healthy and lively 2-year-old.

  • Background

    Children’ 1, aged 2 years at time of interview. Occupations Mother- doctor. Marital status married. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 35
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 72

    Placenta praevia diagnosed in most recent pregnancy. Spent several weeks in hospital before the birth (baby born 2002). More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalkonline antenatal screening site as Interview 39.

  • Background

    Children’ 2, aged 8 and 1 at time of interview. Occupations Mother- business analyst, Father- accountant. Marital status married. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 38
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 65

    Third pregnancy, after two miscarriages. Baby diagnosed antenatally with heart problems. Baby born by emergency caesarean after a long and painful labour. More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalkonline antenatal screening site as Interview 07.

  • Background

    Children’ 1, aged 8 months at time of interview. Occupations Mother- home carer (formerly HR consultant), Father- HR manager. Marital status married. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 36
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 62

    First baby. Experienced sickness in pregnancy. Felt unsupported during labour (which was induced) and disappointed that some birth choices did not happen as she would have liked. More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalkonline antenatal screening site as Interview 34.

  • Background

    Children’ 1, aged 17 months at time of interview. Occupations housewife/student. Marital status single. Ethnic background’ Black British.

  • Age at interview 26
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 60

    After four miscarriages, baby in fifth pregnancy diagnosed with heart condition. Mother (who is diabetic) had pre-eclampsia and emergency caesarean. Severe sickness in every pregnancy. Interviewed during sixth pregnancy, and again after a stillbirth at 36 weeks. More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalkonline antenatal screening site as Interview 29.

  • Background

    Children’ 1, aged 4 at time of interview. Occupation’ Mother- office manager, Father- printer. Marital status married. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 59

    Healthy pregnancy after early miscarriage. Generally happy with care during pregnancy and birth. Some concerns about pressure to conform to ideal of 'normal' birth. More of this interview can be seen on the DIPEX antenatal screening site as Interview 28.

  • Background

    Children’ 1, aged 8 months at time of interview. Occupations Mother- lecturer, Father- lecturer. Marital status married. Ethnic background’ White Australian.

  • Age at interview 33
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 58

    First pregnancy, unplanned. Does not feel she has been well enough informed and supported in choosing a hospital to have her baby. More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalkonline antenatal screening site as Interview 27.

  • Background

    Children’ first pregnancy, interviewed when 7 months pregnant. Occupations Mother- nursery nurse, Father- classroom assistant. Marital status single, partnered. Ethnic background’ Black Caribbean.

  • Age at interview 24
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 56

    Two normal pregnancies. Felt well supported by midwives in making birthing choices. First birth was a water birth in hospital; hopes to have the same for second birth. More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalkonline antenatal screening site as Interview 25.

  • Background

    Children’ 1, aged 17 months at time of interview. Occupation’ self-employed consultant. Marital status married. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 32
  • Sex/Gender Female