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Interview 08

Keen on unassisted birth with 1st child. Slow to go into labour and dilate. Had epidural and then CS 2 days after waters broke. Felt cheated at first but adjusted with time. Had planned CS with 2nd child to avoid previous ordeal.

  • Background

    Teacher with a four year old son. Husband is also a teacher. Ethnic background: White British (Scottish). Played by an actor.

  • Age at interview 40
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 07

    Went 14 days overdue with 1st child, was induced, then had CS after 2 days of labour. Advised to have planned CS with 2nd child, booked for 10 days past due date, still hoping to go into labour. Surprised by her positive experience of 2nd caesarean.

  • Background

    Teacher with a 2 year old daughter. Husband is an environmental engineer. Ethnic background: White British (Welsh).

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 06

    Had planned CS with 1st child due to his expected size. Felt CS was unnecessary, but stress-free way of having baby. Difficult decision with 2nd child, felt both anxious and curious about labour. Now pleased to have had vaginal birth with ventouse.

  • Background

    Married with one son aged two and a half. Husband is company director. Ethnic background: White British (English).

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 05

    Had a very traumatic 1st birth, long labour, CS was offered only after baby went into distress. Felt excluded from decisions and treated unsympathetically. Felt pushed into VBAC with 2nd birth. Chose to go private instead and had planned CS.

  • Background

    Advertising manager with a three and a half year old daughter. Husband is a recruitment manager. Ethnic background: White British (English).

  • Age at interview 42
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 03

    Very keen to have intervention-free birth with 1st child, laboured to 9cm, then had CS when baby passed meconium. Felt cheated and upset long after. Wanted VBAC with 2nd child but opted for CS when 2 weeks overdue. Planned CS was much better than expected.

  • Background

    Carer with a five year old son. Living with partner who works as an operations manager. Ethnic background: White British (Welsh).

  • Age at interview 32
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 02

    Laboured to 8cm dilation with 1st child. Cord wrapped round baby's neck, had emergency CS under general anaesthetic. Chose VBAC for next birth because of quicker recovery. 2nd child born in 2 hours, though had to have epidural afterwards to remove placenta.

  • Background

    Married civil servant with a twenty-two month old son. Husband is an engineer. Ethnic background: White British (English).

  • Age at interview 41
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Susan - Interview 01

    First child born by emergency CS. She felt disappointed with the process and keen to give birth to her 2nd child vaginally, but discovered at her 20 week scan that her placenta covered her cervix (placenta previa) so she would need another CS.

  • Background

    Married bank manager with a 17 month old daughter. Husband is a policeman. Ethnic background: White British (English).

  • Age at interview 30
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 19

    Successful pregnancy after an early miscarriage and blighted ovum. Caesarean due to baby lying breech. Lack of support for breastfeeding in hospital due to pressures on staff.

  • Background

    Children’ 1, aged 5 months at time of interview. Marital status married. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 29
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 02

    Normal first pregnancy. Additional scanning and care in specialist unit because of previous splenectomy. Mother has higher susceptibility to illness and infection.

  • Background

    Occupations Mother- senior receptionist, Father- IT manager. Marital status lives with partner. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 39
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 16

    Experienced recurrent miscarriage before entering an egg share IVF scheme. IVF was successful after one cycle and pregnancy was excellent. Vaginal birth.

  • Background

    Children’ 1, aged 1 at time of interview. Marital status married. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 36
  • Sex/Gender Female