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Interview 30

Wanted waterbirth with 1st child, went overdue. Induced at 42 weeks, did not dilate despite interventions. Baby delivered by emergency CS after heart rate dropped. Trusted medical team and feels no regrets, but hopes to have vaginal birth with 2nd child.

  • Background

    Personnel worker with one son aged two and a half. Husband is an IT consultant. Ethnic background: White British (English).

  • Age at interview 40
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 29

    1st child delivered with forceps and ventouse. Had bad tear, lost lots of blood. Planned caesarean with 2nd child 16 months later on advice of doctors. Struggled to decide how to deliver 3rd child, pessimistic about her chance of having VBAC, feels planned CS is the safer option.

  • Background

    Manager with two children aged three and four. Husband is an electrician. Ethnic background: White British.

  • Age at interview 38
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 28

    Difficult pregnancy, laboured for 2 days, then found baby was double-breech and had emergency CS. Had trouble breastfeeding and felt very low for 6 months. Uncertain about how to deliver 2nd child, leaned towards planned CS but went into labour early and had VBAC as operating theatre was busy.

  • Background

    Industry regulator with one son aged three. Husband is a policeman. Ethnic background: White British (Scottish).

  • Age at interview 31
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 27

    1st child was breech, had planned caesarean. Struggled to breastfeed and felt low for long after. Wanted planned CS with 2nd child, but felt pushed into VBAC by clinicians. Went into labour early and had emergency CS at 38 weeks, found experience worse than previous.

  • Background

    No details given.

  • Age at interview 31
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 26

    1st child born prematurely at 30 weeks by emergency CS due to preeclampsia. Had good physical recovery but felt 'in shock'. 13 years later felt keen and confident to have VBAC with 2nd child. Had short but intense labour, birth was painful but 'amazing experience'.

  • Background

    Homemaker with one daughter aged 13. Lives with her partner works as computer software engineer. Ethnicity: White British (English)

  • Age at interview 33
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 20

    Went 8 days overdue with 1st child, laboured for 48 hours. Had epidural and then emergency CS when child became distressed. Easy recovery but felt wrong about having planned CS with 2nd child. Considered it during labour but persevered and had vaginal birth assisted by forceps.

  • Background

    University lecturer with one daughter aged fifteen months. Living with partner, who works as a postman. Ethnic background: White British (Scottish).

  • Age at interview 31
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 19

    Her waters broke 10 days past her due date, but contractions did not start. She was induced, didn't dilate, then had CS after 14 hours of labour. Chose to have a planned CS with 2nd child as felt pessimistic about her chances of having a vaginal birth.

  • Background

    Laboratory technician with one daughter aged three. Husband works off-shore as a training supervisor. Ethnic background: White British (Scottish). Played by an actor.

  • Age at interview 31
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 25

    Wanted intervention-free birth, but was induced when 14 days overdue. Laboured for 19 hours, accepted CS when baby became distressed. Felt involved in decision-making, but disappointed afterwards. Keen to experience vaginal birth with 2nd child.

  • Background

    Web programmer with one daughter aged twenty-one months. Husband is an aeronautical engineer. Ethnic background: White British (English).

  • Age at interview 36
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 24

    Had planned CS one week pat her due date when it was found that baby had stopped moving. Mother experienced rupture and needed a blood transfusion. Wanted a water birth with 2nd child but advised to have planned CS due to previous complications.

  • Background

    Nursery nurse with one child aged eighteen months. Her partner works for a removals company. Ethnic background: White Biritish (English).

  • Age at interview 24
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 23

    Had lengthy labour with 1st child after being induced, taken for emergency CS after baby's heart beat dropped. Explored options early in 2nd pregnancy, decided on VBAC. 2nd child born after 10 hours, painful labour but great sense of achievement.

  • Background

    Shop supervisor with one son aged two. Living with fiance, who works as a risk assessor. Ethnic background: White British (English).

  • Age at interview 26
  • Sex/Gender Female