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Interview 33

Has not used medication and is not happy with his GP. Nevertheless, he has accessed talking therapies which have helped somewhat. He also moved away from his family.

  • Background

    Is from an Asian background and was born outside of the UK. Felt unsafe at school, and has found it difficult to deal with family issues.

  • Age at interview 39
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 32

    Feels her GP is excellent, but decided against medication. She has gained confidence over the years, and has benefited from NHS counselling, but is having trouble accessing further counselling.

  • Background

    Is single and works in a security firm. She was bullied at school. The grief over her mothers death in 2002 as well as an ongoing dispute over her will...

  • Age at interview 43
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 31

    Avoided medication but found help at a mental health 'drop in' centre. He became better informed and used creativity (e.g. computer art and music) to help his recovery.

  • Background

    Has two grown children and a new partner with a 12y/o son. He suffered a manic episode in 2000 at a time he was a ‘workaholic’ and life seemed out...

  • Age at interview 55
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 30

    Has supportive health professionals. She reacted badly to lithium, and is now doing much better on her current medication (currently Quetiapine 200mg/day, Amitriptyline 50mg, Carbamazepine 200mg, Atenolol 25 mg, Raberazole 20mg).

  • Background

    Lives with her husband and children. She has had a difficult childhood and ongoing problems with some family members. She has suffered from depression, paranoia and thoughts of suicide. (Played...

  • Age at interview 54
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 28

    Multiple severe bouts of depression/ 'euphoria', most recently in 95. Has been hospitalised and had Electroconvulsive Therapy. Most helpful approaches include the drug venlafaxine (75mg/day), music, poetry and spiritual healing.

  • Background

    Was initially a foster child who was adopted, and has felt different and alone since childhood. Feels she has probably had depression since childhood. Now married with one grown son.

  • Age at interview 58
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 27

    Her main helpful approaches include hospitalisation, various therapies (including art therapy), Citalopram (40mg/day), reduction in work hours, Christian prayer and diary writing.

  • Background

    Is a divorced part time carer. Before her depression and suicide attempt she was a workaholic in a job that was becoming more demanding. Her depression required hospitalisation.

  • Age at interview 43
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 26

    Not currently on medication, has found the best approaches to include counselling, self-help books, alternative therapies, and adopting a more authentic lifestyle (including enjoyable voluntary jobs).

  • Background

    Lives with her partner and young daughter and recently gave up full time work in a social welfare role. Grew up in a difficult family and has experienced anxiety and...

  • Age at interview 36
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 25

    In recent times, has fared better with a new supportive husband, a caring GP and Prozac (20mg/day). She continues to struggle against feeling to blame for things outside of her control.

  • Background

    Works in the service industry, married with 4 grown children. Had a difficult childhood family life. She has had ongoing bouts of depression.

  • Age at interview 63
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 24

    Helpful approaches have included medication, self-help books and tapes, and personal development courses. Received long term therapy on the NHS. Recently discovered she had dyslexia, explaining many of her difficulties.

  • Background

    Has one son and one daughter. Was unhappy as a child. She has had post-natal depression and numerous severe bouts of depression. She has not needed medication for many years.

  • Age at interview 59
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 23

    While avoiding medication, helpful approaches have included counselling, self-help books and alternative therapies (e.g. re-birthing). These approaches have helped reduce negative thinking and anxiety.

  • Background

    Is a gay male academic. He experienced early loss of family members as a child, bullying, and sexual confusion. He has suffered ongoing anxiety and depression.

  • Age at interview 50
  • Sex/Gender Male