
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Kirsty - Interview 01

Kirsty was diagnosed with epilepsy 10 months before the interview. She is currently on lamotrigine 200mg daily but her tonic-clonic seizures are not controlled at the moment.

  • Background

    Kirsty is 20 and works as a full-time hairdresser. She lives with her boyfriend. Ethnic background / nationality: White British / Welsh.

  • Age at interview 20
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Kimberley - Interview 42

    Kimberley was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was about 6. She didn't have any seizures for years, but they came back a year before the interview. Currently Kimberley is on lamotrigine and has seizures at night time. She also has Diabetes Type 1.

  • Background

    Kimberley is 17 and currently unemployed. She is single and lives at home. Ethnic background / nationality: White British / Scottish.

  • Age at interview 17
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Morven - Interview 41

    Morven was diagnosed with an unknown type of epilepsy at 8. She is currently on Keppra (levetiracetam) and lamotrigine and has occasional nocturnal seizures.

  • Background

    Morven is 21 and works full-time as Administrative Assistant. She is single. Ethnic background / nationality: White British / Scottish.

  • Age at interview 21
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Elaine - Interview 32

    Elaine was the main carer for her father for the last four years of his life. He suffered from vascular dementia and Elaine feels both he as a patient and she as a carer were let down by the system.

  • Background

    Elaine is a retired nurse. She is single and has a grown up daughter. She became a carer at age 56. Ethnic background: Mixed Afro-Caribbean/ White European.

  • Age at interview 60
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Raye - Interview 30

    Raye grew up with mental health problems in the family. Today, she is the main carer for her father (paranoid schizophrenia), her sister (schizophrenia) and her brother (manic depression). She now feels she needs to let go of some of the responsibilities and focus on her own life.

  • Background

    Raye has been a carer since she was a teenager. She is single and lives with her mother, but wants to find her own place. She is temping as a...

  • Age at interview 28
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Kiran - Interview 26

    Kiran has been caring for his wife for seven years. She has a lot of health issues and it took over 20 years to find out that depression was an important part of her problems.

  • Background

    Kiran used to work as a machine operator and Foreman but retired to care for his wife. They have three grown up children. He became a carer at age 48....

  • Age at interview 55
  • Sex/Gender Male