Interview 24
She has had first hand experience of overcrowded family planning services in an inner city area.
She is having a gap year before going to University and was living in a shared house and working full time.
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She has had first hand experience of overcrowded family planning services in an inner city area.
She is having a gap year before going to University and was living in a shared house and working full time.
Says that she had her first sexual experience much too young and that she was not emotionally prepared to cope with the experience. (Played by an actor)
Lives in a rural community with her parents and siblings. She is in full-time education. (Played by an actor)
She describes her first sexual experience as a bit traumatic.
Full-time university student who lives at home with her father. She prefers to use her GP for family planning.
For her, the best contraceptive method was the coil.
Single professional woman who works full time in the managerial sector. Brought up in a rural community where women had no access to family planning services.
Treated for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Chlamydia.
Full-time mother lives on her own with her ten-month-old daughter. She would like to continue studying and to work with children.
She when to a family planning clinic for the first time at the age of fourteen to get contraception. Her mum thought it was a brilliant idea.
Works full time as an account manager lives with her fianc’e and they are getting married next year. She wants to have children soon after that.
Thinks that there is a lot of pressure on girls to be like 'sex porn actresses in bed. (Played by an actor)
Student, living away from home for the first time. Wants to work, travel and would like to have children in the context of a relationship in her thirties. (Played by...
She had irregular bleeding and decided to go to a GUM clinic and be tested for STI's. Results of tests negative. (Played by an actor)
Graduate student who lives in shared house and has a steady boyfriend. She says that as a teenager, her mother told her about family planning and sexual health. (Played by...
Thinks that in Britain sex is still associated with sin and that people do not talk about it. (Played by an actor)
Holds a science degree and works full time. At time of interview she has been in a long-standing relationship for the past five years. (Played by an actor)
She does not believe in sex before marriage.
Black African woman who lives with her mother, brother and sisters in the inner city. She has a university degree and described herself as being brought up in a loving...