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Interview 18

Diagnosed with Stage I Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), in 1999. Treatment chemotherapy. In 2001, diagnosed with Stage III of NHL. Treatment chemotherapy, including high dose therapy (BEAM), intrathecal chemotherapy and lumbar punctures. In remission.

  • Background

    He is a full time A levels student. He lives at home with his parents and sibling. His experience of cancer has inspired him to want to study medicine.

  • Age at interview 17
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 17

    Diagnosed in 1996 and 1999 with a brain tumour (medulloblastoma). Treatment 1996: surgery and radiotherapy. Relapse in 1999: tumours found in the brain and spine. Treatment 1999: chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant. Having hormone replacement therapy. In remission.

  • Background

    Educated to university degree level; works part time for a cancer charity. Single; lives in her own flat and parents live nearby. Participates in the activities of TOPS support group.

  • Age at interview 26
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Matt - Interview 40

    Matt was diagnosed with tonic-clonic epilepsy at the age of 15. At the moment he has seizures about once a month.

  • Background

    Matt is 24, single and lives in a shared student house. Ethnic background / nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 24
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Omar - Interview 39

    Omar was diagnosed with epilepsy when he was 15. He is on Epilim (sodium valproate) and Keppra (levetiracetam) and has very occasional tonic-clonic seizures.

  • Background

    Omar is 28 and currently unemployed. He is single and lives on his own. Ethnic background / nationality: Asian.

  • Age at interview 28
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Zoe - Interview 38

    Zo' was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was 16. She is currently on Tegretol Retard (carbamazepine) and her seizures are fairly well controlled.

  • Background

    Zo’ is 22 and a student and an artist. She is single and lives on her own. Ethnic background / nationality: White European.

  • Age at interview 22
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Robert - Interview 37

    Robert was diagnosed with epilepsy at 6. His seizures were uncontrolled until he had neurosurgery 10 months before the interview and he has been seizure-free since.

  • Background

    Robert is 17 and a student at college. He is single and lives at home with his mum. Ethnic background / nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 17
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • James - Interview 36

    James was diagnosed with epilepsy when he was 3. He is now on Epilim (sodium valproate) and Epanutin (phenytoin) and has seizures occasionally.

  • Background

    James is 20 and lives in a residential college for young people with epilepsy where he is a full-time student. Ethnic background / nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 20
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Jason - Interview 35

    Jason was diagnosed with epilepsy when he was 11. He is on Epilim (sodium valproate) and has occasional seizures.

  • Background

    Jason is 19, single and lives in a residential college for young people with epilepsy. Ethnic background / nationality: Mixed (Afro-Caribbean / Caucasian)

  • Age at interview 19
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Beth - Interview 34

    Beth was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 19. She believes that her epilepsy was triggered by taking recreational drugs when she was a teenager. Her seizures are now controlled and she hasn't used any drugs since her diagnosis.

  • Background

    Beth is 22 and single. Ethnic background / nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 22
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Alison - Interview 33

    Alison is currently on lamotrigine and her seizures are fairly well controlled.

  • Background

    Alison is 23 and full-time student at university. Ethnic background / nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 23
  • Sex/Gender Female