Ruth - Interview 26
Ruth was diagnosed 9 years ago. She has tremor, stiffness, difficulty sleeping and tiredness. She has to pace herself. Some days are easier to cope with than others.
Married, 2 adult children, retired clerk.
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Ruth was diagnosed 9 years ago. She has tremor, stiffness, difficulty sleeping and tiredness. She has to pace herself. Some days are easier to cope with than others.
Married, 2 adult children, retired clerk.
Andrew was diagnosed with PD 19 years ago. He has had the Deep Brain Stimulation operation twice. His symptoms are moderately well controlled.
Widower, 2 adult children. Lives alone.
Alun was diagnosed nine years ago. Physically, his mobility is most affected now. He has experienced obsessive compulsive disorder from the medication he has taken.
Married, 2 adult children, retired Teacher. Chairman of the young person’s network.
Diagnosed 4 years ago, Nicolas now takes a low dose of Mirapexin. He works full time. He experiences stiffness, tiredness and difficulties with walking and handwriting.
Separated, 2 children Aerospace Chief Engineer.
Bob was 51 when he was diagnosed. He has tremor in his right hand and is slower at doing things. He continues to work full time.
Married, 2 adult children, working full time as a technical author.
Diagnosed 13 years ago, Neil has had GDNF and deep brain stimulation which improved his symptoms. Now he has stiffness, slow walking, and sometimes his speech is affected.
Partner, 3 step-children, retired HGV driver.
Although having Parkinson's meant that Judie had to give up work, she has found herself doing all sorts of adventurous things she might never have done otherwise.
Married, Adult children, retired training advisor.
Diagnosed three years ago, Ann has tremor in her right hand. The first year after diagnosis was very difficult, but since taking Mirapexin, she feels more able to cope.
Married, 3 adult children, Batik Artist.
Diagnosed in 1999, Natalia takes Madopar and Mirapexin but has times during the day when she feels weak, and has difficulty standing and understanding and participating in conversations.
Widow, 1 adult daughter, living alone, retired university lecturer.
Although she was advised not to mention her newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease when she had to change her job she has found that disclosure was necessary. As a divorced woman she can't help worrying about who will care for her in future if her condition deteriorates.
Divorced, 1 adult son lives with her, Currently working in management, strategic planner.