
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Katie - Interview 23

Katie was diagnosed with chronic eczema at the age of 11 but her eczema began to get worse in her teen years. She has had lots of different treatments for her eczema and has learned from experience what works and has improved her symptoms. She said that sleep is important as well as drinking plenty of filtered water.

  • Background

    Katie is at university and lives in shared student accommodation. She says that as you grow older it gets easier to accept your eczema and that a positive attitude and...

  • Age at interview 22
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • William - Interview 22

    William has lived with sickle cell anemia since birth. His mother and father have both got the sickle cell trait but his sister is not affected. When he was a child he remembers that he was in hospital many times. His condition is much improved now that he is older. He takes penicillin and folic acid everyday and says that he does not need to take medication but he does it because his aim is to prevent crisis.

  • Background

    William lives with his mother and sister and plans to go to university next year. William feels that hospitals should build wards for young people. Ethnic background/nationality: African.

  • Age at interview 19
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Annette - Interview 31

    Annettte was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was 15 years old. Before her diagnosis she was going through what she described as a 'very rebellious phase' and both drinking a great deal and taking illegal drugs. After her diagnosis she stopped taking illegal drugs and nowadays she hardly drinks alcohol at all. Family and friends have been very supportive.

  • Background

    Annette studies full time and lives at home with her parents and two siblings. Ethnic background/nationality: European.

  • Age at interview 19
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • James - Interview 21

    James has a renal condition called Senior Loken Syndrome and it means that his kidneys didn't develop as he grew older. James was diagnosed with his condition when he was eleven years old and since then he has spent much of his time on dialysis. Four times a week he goes to hospital to have dialysis and he is able to attend school two days a week. This condition affects both his kidneys and his eyes and James is now registered blind.

  • Background

    James lives with his mother and two brothers. He attends an ordinary school which also has a unit for partially sighted and blind students. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 16
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • David - Interview 20

    David was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 5 and his mother thinks that it was triggered off by a really bad cold. His asthma is mild and he is not on regular medication but he uses his inhaler before doing sports. He sees a specialist nurse once a year for check ups.

  • Background

    David is a A-level student and plans to go to university. Lives at home with his parents and his brother. He swims and does other sports on a regular basis....

  • Age at interview 18
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Kate - Interview 19

    Kate was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) when she was 4 years old by a new consultant who spotted the symptoms straight away. Previously, she had been misdiagnosed with other conditions such as asthma and a milk allergy. Kate has very few CF related symptoms and although she has had the odd chest infection, she has never required intravenous antibiotics.

  • Background

    Kate is very busy with her final year at university and she also works part-time. Lives at home with her parents. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 21
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jodie - Interview 18

    Jodie has cystic fibrosis (CF) and was diagnosed with CF related type 1 diabetes in her early teens. Of the two conditions she finds her diabetes the harder to control particularly because she has a very active life. She finds that the specialist care she received is brilliant. She remains thankful for all the nagging she got from her Dad and her children's consultant.

  • Background

    Jodie is in her final year at university and also works part-time for an insurance company. She plans to go on to do a PhD and wants to be a...

  • Age at interview 21
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Joseph - Interview 17

    Joseph was diagnosed with Enthesitis Related Arthritis at the age of seven. After initial remission his condition flared up again and it became more difficult to control. He was started on a new drug, Enbrel and has been on remission for the last two years.

  • Background

    Joseph finished his AS levels he will go on to do his A-levels. After that he plans to go to university. He lives with his parents and has an older...

  • Age at interview 17
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Mica - Interview 16

    Mica has lived with sickle cell anemia since birth. Her Mum and her brother also have the condition. Her mother has played an important role in helping Mica and her brother to develop a positive attittude towards having sickle cell anaemia. Mica says that she now feels in control of her condition.

  • Background

    Mica lives with her mother, a brother and a sister. Mica is at college studying for her A2 levels. She does Drama and Dance and in the future plans to...

  • Age at interview 17
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sophie - Interview 15

    Sophie was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when she was 8 years old. She was taught by her parents to do all her own medications and treatments and encouraged to do sport. She is the Social secretary for her university Netball Cub. Sophie has a positive approach to her condition and says that she lives life to the full.

  • Background

    Sophie is a second year university student reading Psychology. Lives in shared accommodation with other female students. Sophie enjoys doing sport as it cleans her chest and makes her feel...

  • Age at interview 19
  • Sex/Gender Female