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Eddie - Interview 37

Eddie was diagnosed with Parkinson's about 3 years ago. He was put on Sinemet but began to experience breathing difficulties at night. Although his consultant encouraged him to continue on the medication he decided not to.

  • Background

    Allotments Officer, single.

  • Age at interview 83
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Philip - Interview 36

    Since Philip was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 4 years ago he has always felt uncertain which of his symptoms were caused by this and which were due to the pain he gets from a severely arthritic hip.

  • Background

    Farmer Married. 2 children.

  • Age at interview 58
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Brian - Interview 35

    Diagnosed 14 years ago Brian was on Madopar for 3 years, When Pergolide was added it affected his heart which had been damaged in childhood from Rheumatic fever. He is now on Apomorphine, delivered by a pump into his abdominal wall.

  • Background

    Married, 2 children. Retired Professor of Music.

  • Age at interview 77
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Elaine - Interview 34

    Elaine was diagnosed abut 6 months ago though some of her symptoms had been coming on for several years. Many of the problems she had had have improved since she began on medication.

  • Background

    Cohabiting, no children. Senior Operating department practitioner (NHS).

  • Age at interview 44
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jean - Interview 33

    Jean had noticed jumping in one leg and general difficulty walking for at least two years before she was diagnosed with both Parkinsons Disease and ME, having at fist been told she had nothing wrong with her. To high doses of her medication resulted in her having hallucinations.

  • Background

    Married, 1 child, Housewife.

  • Age at interview 72
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Joe - Interview 32

    Joe developed Parkinson's disease while in his 40's. Deep Brain Stimulation when he was 60 produced a dramatic improvement in his symptoms.

  • Background

    Civil partnership.

  • Age at interview 64
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Sharon - Interview 31

    Forced by her Parkinsons symptoms to retire from a career she loved as a teacher Sharon turned things round by becoming a business woman creating the very successful Cake Bake Company.

  • Background

    Divorced, cohabiting, Working- runs cake factory.

  • Age at interview 57
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Fred - Interview 30

    Diagnosed with Parkinsonian syndrome 5 years ago. This condition is only partially responsive to Dopamine and is therefore difficult to treat. In spite of a steady deterioration in his condition Fred remains active and cheerful.

  • Background

    Married, 3 children, Retired director of BBC monitoring.

  • Age at interview 70
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Anna - Interview 29

    Her partner was diagnosed with PD 18 months ago. So far he doesn't need medication and they have told very few people about the diagnosis

  • Background

    Her partner was diagnosed with PD 18 months ago. So far he doesn’t need medication and they have told very few people about the diagnosis

  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Geraldine - Interview 28

    Geraldine was diagnosed in 1990. She was a single parent with three teenage children. She never-less succeeded in holding increasingly demanding executive jobs in the voluntary sector and was finally chief executive of the Charities Commission before retiring recently. And she is still working on many projects and committees.

  • Background

    Divorcee with three children. Head of Charities Commission. Retired. Now works between Toronto and Wells as a part-time consultant on social finance and governance.

  • Age at interview 60
  • Sex/Gender Female