
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Adrian - Interview 22

Adrian had a TIA earlier this year one evening whilst he was sitting on the sofa. His partner recognised what was happening to him and called for an ambulance. He received medical assistance very soon after the event and was taken to hospital. His symptoms subsided quickly and he has no lasting effects. He is making changes to his lifestyle and hopes that he will be able to prevent the possibility of having a stroke in the future.

  • Background

    He is divorced with grown up sons, and currently lives with his new partner and her daughter. Ethnic Background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 53
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Gillian - Interview 32

    Gillian received a phone call one day but found she was unable to get to the phone to answer it because her legs were not working as they should. She was seen by a locum GP who didn't think it was a TIA/minor stroke, however later another doctor confirmed that it was likely to have been a mini stroke. She has had a further similar episode since then, which was also confirmed to be a mini stroke.

  • Background

    Gillian is widowed and has a live in carer to help her with day to day activities. Ethnic background; White British.

  • Age at interview 92
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • John - Interview 04

    John was at a conference in 2009 when he briefly lost the ability to speak. He went to his GP next day and was told he had had a TIA. He was immediately referred to hospital.

  • Background

    John is a documentary film-maker, married with one daughter. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 59
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Ken - Interview 40

    Ken was travelling home from a holiday in Crete and felt unwell. Whilst sitting on the aircraft he felt some numbness in his leg and found it difficult to move his left arm up and down. He decided to complete the journey home and on his return contacted his son who was coming to collect him. His son felt that something was wrong as he noticed that his father's speech was slurred, and when his wife and daughter heard what had happened they contacted emergency services straight away. They were tol

  • Background

    Ken is married and has three adult children. He is a retired Air Force Officer. Ethnic background; White British.

  • Age at interview 78
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Michelle ' Interview 37

    Michelle experienced her TIA at the age of 26. She experienced visual disturbance and was unable to speak coherently but after five or ten minutes the symptoms gradually subsided. She had several of these episodes over the following months which were not diagnosed specifically as TIA and then later went on to experience a full stroke.

  • Background

    Michelle is single and lives with her parents. She is currently not working due to ill health. Ethnic background; White British.

  • Age at interview 28
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Russell - Interview 42

    Russell had a stroke in 2006 and then more recently had two TIA episodes. He has been left with short term memory loss, some difficulties with speech, and weakness in his legs. He has a positive approach to his life and continues to keep active and fit.

  • Background

    Russell is married and has two adult children. He is a retired insurance underwriter. Ethnic Background; White British.

  • Age at interview 77
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Anne - Interview 03

    Anne first had a TIA in 2003, a second in 2008, while driving, and a third in 2009, after which she was referred to hospital. She may have had another one a few days before the interview, and is waiting to hear soon at a planned hospital appointment.

  • Background

    Anne is a retired assistant college secretary. She is widowed and has 3 grown-up children. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 79
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Dennis -Interview 01

    Dennis first became aware of immobility in his right arm in 2008. The second time it happened he went to the GP and was told he'd had a TIA. He takes medication and has been fine ever since. He is taking part in a TIA research study.

  • Background

    Dennis is married with three children and five grandchildren. He is a retired music educationist and a practicing composer. Ethnic background’ White English.

  • Age at interview 83
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Phillip - Interview 02

    Phillip had a TIA in 2008. His arm felt heavy and his vision was affected. He went to the GP next day, and 2 weeks later had a carotid endarterectomy (surgery on an affected artery). He is taking part in a TIA research study.

  • Background

    Phillip is married with 2 children. He is a retired physicist and physics teacher. Ethnic background’ White English/Australian.

  • Age at interview 72
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Michelle - Interview 65

    Michelle experienced her TIA at the age of 26. She experienced visual disturbance and was unable to speak coherently but after five or ten minutes the symptoms gradually subsided. She had several of these episodes over the following months which were not diagnosed specifically as TIA and then later went on to experience a full stroke.

  • Background

    Michelle is single and lives with her parents. She is currently not working due to ill health. Ethnic background; White British

  • Age at interview 28
  • Sex/Gender Female