
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Ros - Interview 34

Ros was at the supermarket one day when she found herself feeling disorientated and unable to control the trolley. She felt faint and collapsed. An ambulance was called but Ros wanted to return home rather than be taken to hospital. She saw the GP the next day and was told she had had a mini stroke.

  • Background

    Ros is divorced and currently lives alone. She has two adult children and two grandchildren. She is a retired keep fit teacher. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 69
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Brian - Interview 08

    Brian had a TIA in March 2010. He felt dizzy and found it difficult to walk, and his vision became blurred. His wife called an ambulance and he stayed in hospital overnight. He has taken part in a TIA research project.

  • Background

    Brian is retired from the ambulance service. He is married with 2 adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: White English.

  • Age at interview 77
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • David - Interview 31

    David came in from the garden and sat down to have a cup of tea but found he could not speak coherently and he was unable to make sense of things. His wife called for an ambulance and he was taken to hospital where a TIA was diagnosed. He stayed in hospital for two days but was then discharged, and has found it difficult to manage his feelings about what happened since that time.

  • Background

    David is married and lives with his wife Shirley. They have four adult children. He is a retired mini bus driver. Ethnic background; White British.

  • Age at interview 67
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Roger - Interview 23

    Roger had a TIA/minor stroke in 2007 during which he felt disorientated and unable to coordinate his speech. He was unable to get a GP appointment on that day, but contacted NHS direct who advised him to seek medical attention so he made his own way to the emergency department of the nearest hospital, and was later admitted for further tests.

  • Background

    Roger is married and has one adult child. He works part time as a musician. Ethnic background; White British.

  • Age at interview 67
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Rosemary - Interview 09

    Rosemary's husband Brian had a TIA in March 2010. She realised something was wrong and called an ambulance. Brian took part in a research programme on TIA and Rosemary also took part as a healthy volunteer in the control group.

  • Background

    Rosemary is a retired secretary. She is married with 2 grown-up children. Ethnic background/nationality: White English.

  • Age at interview 73
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Martyn - Interview 17

    Martyn initially experienced a short episode of numbness and tingling in his arm which his doctor suspected was a small TIA, and was told to take aspirin. A few days later he experienced a further small TIA. Since that time he has had no further symptoms and feels that these two minor episodes have given him the opportunity to prevent anything more serious happening to him.

  • Background

    Martyn is married with two adult children. He is a retired head teacher. Ethnicity; White British.

  • Age at interview 64
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Vernon - Interview 10

    Vernon first had a TIA 4 years ago. His wife called an ambulance when he collapsed. He had a second TIA a year ago and saw his GP, who sent him to hospital for further tests. Since then he has been fine.

  • Background

    Vernon is married with 3 adult children. He is a retired estate secretary and livestock manager. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 94
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Geoff - Interview 16

    Geoff was in bed one morning when he felt sick and lost consciousness. His wife called for an ambulance and he was taken to hospital where he was admitted for 10 days. Although he has recovered, he still experiences some weakness in his right arm and hand, and has been left with some visual problems which now prevent him from driving.

  • Background

    Geoff is married and has three adult children. He is a retired bank employee. Ethnic Background; White British.

  • Age at interview 68
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • George - Interview 19

    George had a TIA whilst sitting at home on the sofa; he suddenly found himself unable to speak and was paralysed down one side for a short while. He has since had another TIA in which he experienced similar symptoms. He worries that this may happen again and has lost confidence in himself through feeling depressed and stressed.

  • Background

    George is married with one adult daughter. Ethnic background; White British.

  • Age at interview 77
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Angus - Interview 06

    Angus had 2 TIAs in December 2009. The first time he briefly lost his speech, which he knew was a symptom of stroke; the second time, 2 days later, he lost vision in one eye, and did not realise till he went to his GP that it was connected.

  • Background

    Angus works as a fence erector for sports events. He is married with 3 adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 61
  • Sex/Gender Male