
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Kath - Interview 12

Kath was diagnosed with DCIS in 2007, aged 47, after seeing her GP because her breast felt dense. She had a mastectomy and LD flap reconstruction.

  • Background

    Kath is divorced and living with her partner. She is a sales manager with three children. Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 48
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jo - Interview 11

    Jo was diagnosed with DCIS in 2007, aged 42, over two years after seeing doctors about a bleeding nipple when she was breast-feeding. She had a mastectomy.

  • Background

    Jo is a married mother with two young children. Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 42
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Hilary - Interview 10

    Hilary was diagnosed with DCIS in 2007, aged 66. She had a mastectomy and immediate LD flap reconstruction. She was awaiting further surgery to match both breasts.

  • Background

    Hilary is a married, retired secretary with three grown up children. Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 67
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sue - Interview 9

    Sue was diagnosed with DCIS at 49 and had a wide local excision. She was pleased she went for the mammogram and recommends them to other women.

  • Background

    Sue is a married assistant bank manager with two children. Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 50
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Agnes - Interview 8

    Agnes had a wide local excision, after which some invasive cancer was also found. She will be having radiotherapy and taking tamoxifen.

  • Background

    Agnes is a married homemaker with two children. Ethnic background / nationality: White European

  • Age at interview 54
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Patricia - Interview 7

    Patricia was diagnosed with DCIS in 2007, aged 53. She had a mastectomy and LD flap reconstruction six months later. She will also be taking hormone therapy.

  • Background

    Patricia is a married clerk with two grown up children. Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 54
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Hilary - Interview 6

    Hilary was diagnosed with DCIS in 2001, aged 50. She had a wide local excision, followed by a mastectomy. She also had a delayed DIEP flap reconstruction, followed by breast reduction surgery and nipple reconstruction.

  • Background

    Hilary is married and a retired teacher with two adult children. Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 57
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jane - Interview 5

    Jane was diagnosed with DCIS in 2007, aged 58. She had a mastectomy and a DIEP flap breast reconstruction at the same time.

  • Background

    Jane is a married library manager. Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 59
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Gillian - Interview 4

    Gillian was diagnosed with high-grade DCIS in 2006, aged 50, a year after her first routine mammogram. She had two breast conserving operations and, later, a mastectomy.

  • Background

    Gillian is a married housewife with three adult children Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 52
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Linda - Interview 3

    Linda was diagnosed with DCIS in 2007, aged 53. She had a wide local excision, followed by a mastectomy. She was also prescribed Nolvadex for five years.

  • Background

    Linda is a married teaching assistant with one adult child. Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 54
  • Sex/Gender Female