
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Ann - Interview 01

Ann was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in May 2007. She had a Whipple's operation and then chemotherapy. Ann recovered and was incredibly well for two years. Then symptoms returned and a scan showed the cancer had come back with secondary tumours in her lungs.

  • Background

    Ann is married with 3 children. She was a GP for more than 35 years. She retired when she found out she had pancreatic cancer. She is also co-founder of...

  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Dr. Adeola Olaitan - Interview 40

    Dr Adeola Olaitan is a consultant gynaecological oncologist at University College London Hospital. She specialises in the treatment of people with gynaecological cancer and has a particular interest in quality of life in young women after treatment for cancer. She is a fully trained general gynaecologist and also treats people with non-cancer related gynaecological problems.

  • Background

    Dr Adeola Olaitan is a consultant gynaecological oncologist at University College London Hospital.

  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Natalie - Interview 39

    Natalie was diagnosed with CIN3 in 2001, aged 34, and treated by LLETZ. She has been clear since treatment and has annual follow-up care.

  • Background

    Natalie is married with two sons. Ethnic background / nationality: White Irish

  • Age at interview 40
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Helen - Interview 38

    Helen had mild changes to start with but was later diagnosed with CIN3, aged 25, and treated by LLETZ. She would have liked more information about healing after surgery and HPV.

  • Background

    Helen is a single PA Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 27
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Lucy - Interview 37

    Lucy was diagnosed with CIN3 in 2005, aged 25, and treated by LLETZ. She was happy with the care she was given and has had no problems since then.

  • Background

    Lucy is a health visitor and lives with her partner Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 31
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Maria - Interview 36

    Maria was diagnosed with CGIN and CIN3 in 2009, aged 33, and treated by cone biopsy under general anaesthetic. She was shocked because her smear test showed normal results but further examination showed precancerous cells.

  • Background

    Maria is married. She was unemployed at the time of interview Ethnic background / nationality: White European / Italian

  • Age at interview 34
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sandra - Interview 35

    Sandra was diagnosed with CIN3 first in 2007, aged 48, and again in 2008, aged 49. She was treated by LLETZ on both occasions, and would have liked more information about her results.

  • Background

    Sandra is a self-employed juice bar owner. She is married with two adult children Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 50
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jane - Interview 33

    Jane was diagnosed with CIN3 first in 1983, aged 30, and again in 2003, aged 50. She was given laser treatment the first time and LLETZ the second.

  • Background

    Jane is a journalism lecturer. She is divorced with two adult children Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 50
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Ruth - Interview 32

    Ruth was first diagnosed with CIN3 around 1994, aged 28, and then three more times over several years, as well as with VIN3. She would have liked more information from health professionals and felt disappointed in the lack of information.

  • Background

    Ruth is a single education consultant with one child Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 41
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Lauren - Interview 31

    Lauren was diagnosed with CIN3 in 2009, aged 25, and treated by LLETZ. She was happy with the care she received but would have liked more information about recommended websites on CIN 3 before going for colpsocopy.

  • Background

    Lauren is a conference organiser and single Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 25
  • Sex/Gender Female