
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Charlotte - Interview 10

Charlotte was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 13. She sees her consultant every three months and feels well supported by her. Her main problems are the frequency, till recently, with which seizures have occurred and the fact that her memory has been affected by the frequent incidence of her 'absence' seizures. Until three months ago Charlotte was having seizures twice a month and sometimes, even as frequently as once a week.

  • Background

    Charlotte is a full-time student doing an Art Foundation course & is planning to go to university after its completion. She lives at home with her mother & younger brother...

  • Age at interview 18
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sarah - Interview 29

    Sarah was diagnosed with a localised form of a skin condition called morphea in which there are well demarcated plaques of fibrosis restricted to the skin. In her case this affects the right side of her nose and the top of the right side of her forehead. Recently she has had surgery in which fat from her stomach was injected into the right side of her nose and her forehead and the cheekbones. Doctors have explained that she will need several similar operations before they reconstruct her nose an

  • Background

    Sarah is a full-time student. Lives with her mother and father. Ethnic background/nationality: Welsh.

  • Age at interview 16
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Andrew - Interview 24

    Andrew has type 1 diabetes and Coeliac Disease. He was diagnosed first with type 1 diabetes when he was 11 years old and was diagnosed with Coeliac 3 years later. He changed his insulin regimen and he finds that the short-acting and long-acting insulin regimen gives him more freedom to choose when and what to eat. He needs to have a gluten-free diet because of his Coeliac which means that he cannot eat wheat, oats, barley and rye. Says that his mother makes very good gluten-free cakes!

  • Background

    Andrew is in high school and lives with his parents and sibling. Ethnic background/nationality: British.

  • Age at interview 16
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Tomas - Interview 09

    Tomas has had asthma since he was six months old. Apart from asthma, Tomas has developed various allergies and he attends a specialised hospital clinic. He says that the work that Asthma UK does at schools has helped to improve the understanding of the condition among teachers and children.

  • Background

    Tomas attends high school. Lives at home with parents and his brother. His parents have always encouraged and supported him. He is a keen rugby player and thinks that his...

  • Age at interview 16
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • David - Interview 08

    David has had twenty-seven operations in twenty-three years - the main ones including knee and hip replacement, leg straightening and spinal fusion. This meant that he has missed a great deal of schooling but he has always been determined to continue with his education. He finished his GCSE's, did his A' levels and has recently finished his university degree.

  • Background

    David is a university graduate. He was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis when he was just two years old. Lives at home with parents and sisters. He drives a specially fitted...

  • Age at interview 23
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Miriam - Interview 07

    Almost ten years ago Miriam was diagnosed with glandular fever and given three courses of antibiotics. Her symptoms didn't improve and she couldn't continue with her university course. It was a homeopathic doctor who suggested she might have developed ME or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). It has taken her nine years to feel better again. She says that pacing and the acknowledgement of limitations are important tools for mending.

  • Background

    Miriam is at university doing a Masters degree in English Literature and works part-time as a librarian. She lives at home with her parents. Ethnic background/nationality: British.

  • Age at interview 28
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Lucy - Interview 05

    Lucy has had type 1 diabetes for 11 years. Two years ago her mother was also diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. There was a period when her diabetes control overall wasn't very good. Lucy has been working with her consultant at improving her overall control by setting an action plan, like for instance 'losing weight'. She is feeling much better now.

  • Background

    Lucy is doing her AS levels, plans to do A-levels and wants to go to university. She lives with her parents and younger sister. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 17
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Helene - Interview 04

    Helene has had sickle cell anemia since birth. Sickle cell is when the blood cells are shaped like a half moon and they cannot pass through the veins so easily and this causes pain in, for example, elbows and knees. Helene takes penicillin and folic acid everyday and needs to avoid getting cold.

  • Background

    Helene lives with her mother and her sister. Finished her A-levels and now works as a beautician. Ethnic background/nationality: African.

  • Age at interview 23
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Lara - Interview 03

    Lara was diagnosed with myoclonic juvenile epilepsy when she was 17 years old. She became depressed and lost her confidence after diagnosis but she wasn't offered counselling. Her nurse has provided her with lots of support. Nowadays she jokes about her epilepsy giving it derogatory names and says that it is one way of coping with it. She has no problem in telling others about her epilepsy.

  • Background

    Lara is a full time student nurse and lives in shared accommodation with three other young people. She has just recently moved out of the family home. Ethnic background/nationality: White.

  • Age at interview 24
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Catherine - Interview 02

    For many years Catherine stayed on a treatment that was not successfully controlling her epilepsy. And as a teenager she didn't know much about the different medications available. In her early twenties her new consultant put her on new medication that has improved the overall management of her condition.

  • Background

    After reading Theology at university Catherine went to work for an epilepsy charity and now works as a trainer for a Department of Health funded project. Single. Ethnic background/nationality: White...

  • Age at interview 29
  • Sex/Gender Female